Страница 1: ...is the full text and imagesfrom the manual This may t the PDF file to download If you find this manual useful how about a donation of 3 to Ave High Bridge NJ 08829 1701 and sendyour e mail addres Most other placeswould chargeyou 7 50for a electroniccopy to read Xerox copy This will allow me to continueto buy new manualsand pay tl It il make you feel better won t it If you usePay Pal or wish to use...
Страница 2: ...tl BclC S z i 3 PHNTAX P2 e t d l ...
Страница 3: ...nce versatility and reliability thiscamera isanoutstanding AFSLRcamera R e a dt h i s i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a lc a r e f u l l y t o g e t a f u l l explanation of the camera s functionsand operations beioreuse lcon indicators used in this manuai Thenamesof thecamera s workingpartsarelistedonthe frontandback flapsinthismanual Keep theflapsunfolded forquickreference whilereading thismanual ...
Страница 4: ...ug ur FlashPop upButton Release SocketFe BackCoverReleaseLever DAuxiliaryRewind Button FocusMode Switch AF Coupler Power Contacts Mount Index Lens Information Contacts DLensLock Button GriP DistanceScaleWindow PowerZoom Ring Aperture ZoomIndex ApertureScale Aperture A Index Aperture A Lock Button ApertureRing Zoom ScaleWindow Auto Zoom Switch Zoom Set Button FocusingRing ...
Страница 5: ...h the power zoom Whilelookingthroughthe viewfinder turnthe power zoom ring to the right or left until you obtain the desired composition Seepage24 1 7 Selectingthe AutofocusMode 9 Focuson the subjectand shoot Aim theAFframeI t ltowardsthesubject depress the shutterrelease buttonhalfwaydown to lockfocus andthendepress it fullyto takea photo Seepage28 Movethe focusmode switchto I AF Seepage28 www or...
Страница 6: ...mountlenses A and B autofocus lenses C tnrough E non AF manualfocus lenses E Canbefittedto thiscamerawith the optionalPentax MountAdapterK A though C Have A auto positionson the aperturerings Pentax FAlenses incorporate newpowercontactsto exchange informationbetweenthe cameraand lensfor powerzoom PentaxFA lenses operateon existingK mountcameras Pentax FA lensesincorporate new contacts as follows i...
Страница 7: ...earning Function o o o X X PictureMode o o a X X Multi 6 segment metering o o o x x 6 x x 6 Approx f stopindication o o X X X a frl o a1 r F l l J B o o F f J r rJ s a F F Notes O Can be used X Cannotbe used 1 Lenseswith a maximum apertureof tl2 g or larger SeeAF Adapter instructionmanual j x2 Manual focusing using the focus indicator Fl t cl I in the viewfinder 3 Lenseswith a maximum apertureof t...
Страница 8: ...se of the t I PREPARATIOIUS p 9 ll BASICOPERATIONS p 211 lll ADVANCEDOPERATIONS p a0 lV OTHERS p 921 For the SLRcamerabeginners startwith the PREPARATIONS and BASICOPERA chapters will helpyou to becomefamiliarwith the general functions of the camerawith too muchdetail ...
Страница 9: ...r PREPARATIONS Fitthe strapon the cameraas illustrated o To preventthe camerafrom swayinga lot while walking adjustthe strapso the cameraridesabove your waist 7 m 7 o v www orphancameras com ...
Страница 10: ...the cover lockin the directionof the arrowas shown o This cameraoperateson one lithium battery type 2CR5 2 In se rtth e b a tte ry ma kin g ma rkin g s ma tch th e batterycompartment Then chamber cover su re th e p lu s min u s d i a g r a m si n s i d et h e reinstallthe battery ...
Страница 11: ...e battery is nearly exhausted the battery symbol appearson the LCDpanelto warn you Replace the batteryas soon as possible When startsblinking the shuttercannotbe released o When the symbol I d startsblinkingon the LCD panel all indications disappearin the viewfinder When the battery is replaced all camera settings other than the exposurecounter indication film speed setting lSO PentaxFunctionsetti...
Страница 12: ...For storagepurposesaf t er pur chase use t he optional accessory BodyMountCapK Ensurethatthe camera sMainSwitchis off before m o u n t i n g t h e F A z o o m l e n s t o p r e v e n tt h e unexpected operationofthe zoom lens 2 Alig n th e re d d o ts o n th e ca me raa n d th e le n s Mountthe lenson thecamera andthenturn it fullv to the right untilit lockswith a firm click 1 ...
Страница 13: ...ns informationcontactsand AF coupler Water dirt dustor mold at electrical contactsmav oftencause damageto the electrical svstem lf the mountsare dirty or smudged wipe gently with a clean soft and drv cloth r iiltir rt t inr i i tinn ellr t To remove the lens turn the lens to the left while depressing the lens lock release button r To protectthe contactsand AF couplerof the lens againstdamagebfter ...
Страница 14: ...rstayson for about 10seconds after the button is releasedf r om t he half wav position Holding th e shut t er r elease but t on depressed halfwaydown keepsthe exposuremeter activated N o t depr e s s e d Depressed halfway down first position I m F u l l y dep ressed second position The camera sMain Switch has three oositions t PICT1 Provides 5 Picture Modesincludingfully au to ma tic mo d e Gre e ...
Страница 15: ...ad or unload film in the shade or by using your body to shadethe camera r When using non DX codedfilm set the film speed manually Seepage 80 m T T I z at 2 T o o p e n t h e b a c k c o v e r s l i d e t h e b a c k c o v e r release lever in the direction of the arrow 3 Placethefilmcartridgein thefilm chamberbyfittingits flat side on top of the rewind shaft first and then slide the top end into t...
Страница 16: ...urtains lf you have pulled out too much f ilm push it back int o t he cartridge to reducethe slack o The DX informationoins in the film chamberare usedto readfilm speed Keepthem cleanand free from scratches To remove smudges wipe gently with a soft dry cloth Alignthefilm tip with thefilm leaderend marklOas snown Ensurethat the film is placedproperlybetweenthe guiderails Makesurethatthe film perfor...
Страница 17: ... frame Confirm thar and I o aredisplayedon the LCDpanel Thefilm counterindication advances one eachtime the shutteris released to exposethe frame lf the film is not prop erly loaded t o E l blinkson the LCDpanel lf this occurs reloadthe film lf the film leaderis extremelybent straightenit or cut off the bent oortion A I www orphancameras com ...
Страница 18: ...n reverse Neveropenthe backcoverduringrewinding Removethe film from the camerain the shadeor by usingyour bodyto shadethe camerato preventthe film from beingexposedto directsunlight 2 When the roll of film is rewoundto its end I O b l i n k s a n d t h e e x p o s u r e c o u n t e r i n d i c a t i o n disappears informingyou that the backcover may be ooened fr r l l r l l J www butkus orglchinon...
Страница 19: ...ster However those extra frames may be lost in the pro cessrng lf the camera stops rewinding due to battery ex haustion exchange the battery without opening the backcover tn E REWINDING A ROLLOFFILMIN MID ROLL lf you wish to unloadthe film beforeexposingall the frames use this function First turn on the camera s Main Switch and then depressthe auxiliaryrewind button with the protrudingsectionof th...
Страница 20: ...ation Mode See ADVANCEDOPERA TIONS startingon page 35 for advancedexposure mooes o The GreenOperationModesetsthe camerafor fully a u to ma te d sh o o tin g a llo win g yo u to u se its advancedfeatureswith ease The camera auto maticallyselectsthe shutterspeedand aperture according to the subjectbrightness E I ft o E u 6 z vt ...
Страница 21: ...o or to a manual f stop setting hold down the aperture A lockbuttonto turn the aperturering 2 Movethe camera sMainSwitchto I PICT Turnthe SelectDialwhile holdingdown the Mode Button until I X I superimposes on I r on the LCD panet r The exposurecompensation and Hyper Program Shiftdo not work in the GreenOoerationMode www orphancameras com ...
Страница 22: ...ive The photos are taken consecutively as long as the shutterreleasebutton is kept deoressed I o S e l f t i m e r The shutteris released with 12 second delay after the shutter releasebutton is fully depressed CHANGING THEDRIVEMODE Thedesireddrivemodecanbesetby turningthe Select Dialwhile depressing the DriveButton To begin select the Single Frame mode E 2 C t u 6 z U ...
Страница 23: ... shutter releasebutton to take a photo grapn r The smallerthe numbershown in the zoom scale window the wider the angle Conversely the larger the number the more magnifiedthe imageappears o Whencombinedwith the Pentax FA Zoom lens this cameraallowsthe useof the oowerzoomfunction o WhenmountinganexistingPentax FZoom lens this cameracanbe usedonlv in the manualzoom mode Wide Telephoto a n g l e www o...
Страница 24: ...at one ofthe threespeedsaccordingto the degreeof rotation Turningthe powerzoomringf ullytothe rightor leftzoomsthe lensquickly whileturningit slightlygives slow operation At an intermediateposition the lens zoomsat mediumspeed r Zooming the lens with the power zoom function automaticallyfocuses the lens on the subject This functioncan be overridden with PentaxFunctionNo 2 However for final composi...
Страница 25: ...oom lenses work in a mannersimilarto the existingPentaxF lenses To setthe manualzoom mode pullthe zoom ring towardsthe camerabodv until the words POWER ZOOMarehidden Turning thezoomringto the rightzoomsthe lensto the tele position while turning it to the left zooms the lensto the wide anglesetting When the lensis zoomedto the desiredsetting depressthe shutter releasebuttonfullyto takea photograph ...
Страница 26: ...reduce camera shake br ace vour elbows againstyour body or support yourselfand the cameraagainsta stable stationaryobject suchas a treeor a wall When takinga photographat slow shutterspeeds of 1 30or sloweror when usinga telephotolens a tripod and the optional CableSwitch F are re commended When usinga ultra telephoto lens a tripod that is heavierthan the total weight of the cameraand lensis recom...
Страница 27: ... focusmode switchto I MF when a subject is difficultto achieveautofocus Seepage45 1 Aim the AF frame I in the center toward the sub iect 2 Whenthe subjectisinfocuswhiletheshutterrelease button isdepressed halfwaydown the in focus indicatorlightsup intheviewfinder withtheaudiblePCV signalindicating focus confirmation r AudiblePCVsignal canbecanceled byselecting the silence modewith Pentax Function ...
Страница 28: ...elease buttonhalfwaydown r When usingthe SMCPentaxFSoft85mm f 2 8lens set the fens to an aoerture between t 2 8 and 114 5 Seepage45 o When the subject is out of the AF frame use the focus locktechniqueto focus on the subject See page30 PredictiveAF Mode When the camerasensessubjectmovementduringan autofocusoperation the camerawill automatically switch the focus mode to oredictiveautofocusto measur...
Страница 29: ... m e t o w a r d s t h e s u b j e c t a n d k e e p depressing the shutter button halfway down The in focus indicator remains on indicatingthat the subject distanceis stored into memory 3 While holdingthe shutter releasebutton halfway down r e t u r n t o t h e o r i g i n a l c o m p o s i t i o n a n d t h e n f u l l y d e o r e s s t h e s h u t t e r r e l e a s e b u t t o n t o t a k e a p...
Страница 30: ...s dark or backlit the flash recommended indicatorI i blinksin the viewfinder advisinguse of flash I t alsoblinkson the LCDpanel o When I t I appearsto recommendusingflash use the built inflash Seepage32 The Flash Recommended IndicatorI I When a subjectis shot in darkor in a backlitsituation inthe Programmed AE including thePicture Mode or Aperture Priority AE mode the flash recommendeo indicatorbl...
Страница 31: ...finder Whenthe built in flashis in usein the Picture Mode the bargraphwill not appearin the viewfinder and on the panel Whenthe shutterrelease buttonis depressed half wa y d o wn th e fla sh syn ch sh u tte rsp e e d a n d aperture settingwill appearin the viewfinder and on the LCDoanel Depressthe shutter releasebutton fully and the flash unit discharges After usingflash retractthe built inflash b...
Страница 32: ... built in flash I i andI t willblinkrespectively intheviewfinder andonthe LCDpanelwhenthe shutterrelease buttonis deoressed halfwaydown afterthe flashhasbeencharged r Lenses widerthan28mm Lenses with thefocallength300mmor longer except whenusingthe FAZoom100 300mm at a focallength of 300mmI Taking a picture whilethiswarningisdisplayed will cause vignetti nginthepicture corners orsemi circular vign...
Страница 33: ...when usingslave sync flashfunction do not usethe red eyereductionflashfeature o When using only a dedicatedaccessory flash unit the red eye reduction flashfeaturedoesnotfunction evenif I o is displayedon the LCDpanel Red EyePhenomenonin FlashShooting Shootingportraitswith flash in a dark environment oftenresultsin the subject s eyesto turn out reddishin the print Thisphenomenon commonlyknownas red...