background image

Содержание IQZoom 200

Страница 1: ...www orphancameras com ...

Страница 2: ...and noles in this OperatingManual Picturesand illustra tions shown hcrein may differ from the cam era sactualappearance r lllustrationsin this operatingmanual are the DAI E MODE T Icon indicationsusedin this manual F Iort n o r u F I L a m o l i g h t e d f_Lemn briil 9_ I corr F a l on direction a t i c o p e r a t i o n tr r on t i g h t e d l i n k i n g t x The name of lhe camera s working par...

Страница 3: ...O AF modcbutton p 27 O LCD panel p 55 Red eyercduction flash butttln p 26 O fvlainswitch modedial p 26 0 Slide outflash O Self timcr lamp p 31 Light scnsorwindow O Lens Viewfinderwindow B Autofocuswindow O Focusaitl illuminatorwindow p le E Rcmotecontrolreceiver p 35 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 4: ... on your subject seepage20 I hc filrn will automati cally advance to the l irst franre see page r4 Switch orr powcr by the nrain switch nrodc dial scc page 8 fouryd I qJ l ffi d Depress thc shutter re When thc film is fin leaie button In dark ished the camera wilt conditions thc flash automalically rewincl it will discharge aulo scc page 24 matically sce pagc 23 fl rl i r www orphancameras com ...

Страница 5: ...ts of the camera if lhcy bccomc exposcd from dropping lhe cam era or frrr some other reoson as there is dangcr of elcctric shock Wrapping the strap around your ncck is dan gcrous I lake sure that small childrcn do not get the strap caught around thcir neck o lle sure to store battery out of the reach of childrcn Seck medical assistance immediately if uccidcntally swallowed A nt rroru o I o not use...

Страница 6: ... Furthermore if the canlera is taken fronr warm tenlperature to a subfreezing one or vice versa ihe iormation of icelets nray cause damage I n iu tt u ut put the came ra into a case or plastic fue to thai iny changes in tcmperaltrre di cr n3 is minimized D o not remove it from the bag until lempcrature has stabilizcd 2 l rccautions for storagc A id 6 ving the iameru for extended periods in plnces ...

Страница 7: ...n will bc provided LCI l iquid crystal display o Whcn thc LCD is cxposeclto high tenlpcralures ovcr about 60 C it ntay blacken but when the tcrnperature normalizes it will r turn to nor ma l o I he LCD may also slow down in responsc lo lowcr tcnrperalures but this is a normal cltarac tcristic of arr LCD PRI CAUTIONS FOR BAT TERY Misuse of a battcry can cause hazards such as lcakage overhcating cxp...

Страница 8: ...PRACTICAL SIIOOTING GUIDE Taking a picturethrough a window p 37 Focusingon a particularsglt p 38 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 9: ...l r l LIJ Taking picturcs of peopte in various situations www orphancameras com ...

Страница 10: ...NTTNR PHOTOGRAPIIS II lwltl sclectltttxlcs ii i u trtclion flashmode 26 ij vfigf r tyttc shooling 28 f allrr n o pi tut at a slowshuttcrsJreed 29 r p il syrrcphotographv 29 iiurt iltouti ig 30 i i i i t i v n s h o t i n g 3 0 S ir tirir photogilphy 31 il i 1 wir il ssrfnr ltc control option 33 iar iitT pr r rrc sltooting 36 iniiiiitv f tascapc slro iing 37 3p i fft shooting 38 rtf ui r l shooiing...

Страница 11: ...k lng eny photographs l l i i J l r r r 1 f t l _ ri r tt E G aI I LY GLT STRAPATTACI MENT Fit__the strap on the camcra using the following procedures I t ass the strap thr ugh the honps and the cti mp ir o n in il lustration l 2 Passthe marked strap end through the camerarsstrap lug as shown in illustration 2 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 12: ...ition if th ca e a is ON and left unused for over 3 nrinutes the lens automatically retracts 3 Pass the i markcd strap end through the hoops and the clamp as shown in illustration 3 r Use the illustrated part of the strap for open inc the battery charnbercover adjusting the Juiu nn the Dite model or pushingthe mid roll rewind button to rewind a roll of lilm be lore exposingall the frames www orpha...

Страница 13: ... closes when the main switch mode dial is set to the N and OI F positon Never attempt to operrthe lens cover manually Cy BA rIERY cHECK Battery check After you set the main switch mode dial to the position other than OI F the lens slightly ex tends and the lens cov r opens You are now ready to shoot o See page 46 when the battery exhaustion syrnbol appearson the LCf panel Ilattery pcrformance may ...

Страница 14: ...ossible brace your elbows against a stable slationary object such as a wall Notes r Do not hold the zoom tens becauseit moves back and forth while in operation r Make sure not to obstruct the autofocuswin dow lens light sensorwindow or the slide out flash wi th your fitrgers hair or other object When using the fla shwith the camera posi tioned verti cally hold the cameraso that the flash is above ...

Страница 15: ...s the 2 X nrnrtelephoto setting arrd frames the subjectmore closcly Whcn you move the zoom leverto tlreIeft lll the lensmovestowarcls the 48mm sctting When the lenszooms to the dcsireclset ting rclcasethe zo lmlever and depressthe shutter re leasebutton fully to take picturcs 1 l www orphancameras com ...

Страница 16: ...l you shouldbe famitier wlth the functions svaileble on the camers and youtre rcady to insert the film ffinrM toADINc ilrif lli Hi I Slide the back cover relcase lever down in the dircction of lhe arrow to open the buck as illus truted www orphancameras com ...

Страница 17: ...of the film with the film leader end mark O 4 After the back cover is closed the film auto mutically rdvances to the first frame Notes o lf there is dirt on the film detector O film can not be wound pr lJrerly Ensure thc film is laut as illustrated on the illus tration fakc up any slack in the film by push irrg it back inlo thc cartridgc o lf the end of the film lcader is extremcly bent straightcn...

Страница 18: ...his canrera is dcsigncd to use DX coded films with ISO rating froir 25 to 3200 When any of these filnts are loaded the pr lperfilm specd is automatically set for the camera Notes o Non DX codedfilm cannot be used lf non DX coded fihn is used the camera autonlatically sersthe film spcedto ISO 25 o A filrn with lSO4m filrrt speedis recommended to gct lessimugeblur and to covermorc photo sraDhic situ...

Страница 19: ...ame appears in the sharpestfocus Be sureto adjust thc diopter before use s AUT0lvtATtC IrCDIILUMINAT0R In low lightsituations the illuminator of the LCI pancllightsup whenany oneof the button 1 lal or e is depresscd or the main switch modc dial is turned r If you wish to use the LCD panel illuminator any othcr time dcprcss any of thesebuttonsfor longerthan 2 seconds t5 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 20: ...utrtfocus frsme Focus on the subjcct with this frame fJ Picture arec hen raking a normal picture compose the scene within this frame Panorsms format tl Autofocus frame Focus on the subject with this frame t Picture area hcn taking panorama piclures compose the scenc within this frarne r Regular size color prints rnay cut off what ap rar on thc extreme edge oi lhc filnr framc Cornpose your pic ture...

Страница 21: ...cecompensetionfrnme When the distanceto the srthjt ctbecomescloser lhe picture area is automaticallychanged and comprensated Compose tlte scene within this frame Standardformat Panorama format www orphancameras com ...

Страница 22: steJnaccordingto the focal length yott have set Focus the subject within the auloftpusfrarne Thc autofocurfruni tr Zornes wider whe n thl lcnsis zoomedtowardtlretele photo 200mmside ive point Al 48rnm Soot AF l t l f l f 200rnm www orphancameras com ...

Страница 23: ...e 40 r Thc autofocus frame also blinks when the sub ject is difficult to autofcrcus t neA lamP lash status Whcn the flaslris readyto dischargc it will light up Wlrerrthe flashis beingchargcd it will blink A Infinity landscapc lamp When the Infinity l andscape Mode is set it will light up Shootingrangefor standardand panoramaformat piclurcs 2 X mm l 2m 3 9ft to inl inity 48nln 0 8m 2 6ft to infinit...

Страница 24: ... RDINARY PH T GRAPHY I Set the mairr switch morlc mode dial to the W pnsition 2 Aftcr zoomlng the lcns and composing your cene focus on lhe subjcct with autofocus frume t 1 ffi 20 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 25: ...iruus cln rn lthcrsubjcct lift yrlur liltger lronr llrc shrrltcr relcasc brrllon arrrl dc prcss thc strutter buttorr hall way down again 3 Checking the lamp indication l cpress the shutter rclcsse button halfway down Whcn thc subjcct is infocus the grecn Inmp will light up The green lamp blinks when the camera is not ablc to obtairr proper focus for onc of the fol lowing rcasons OThe subjcct is to...

Страница 26: ...glrtsup to indicatcthat a oiclttrc ltas bcctt litkclt ill iti tt r cunrrotbc rcleascd while thc lensis zoclltr itrg l Shooting il pi t rt e shutter reteasebutton fully and the ft itiu will be releesed I hc film automatically advancesto the next frame 22 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 27: ... I t z 2 3 mI t 2 3 3 m 1 2 4 6 r n I ltss 1 sr lJle rrrt L 3e t5rt whcn any lthcr ISO filrns arc loaded 23 lrsh effecti l i n f t i l r t Scc page 49 Automalrc ltlash llmisston T hc flash will auton ratically discharge in low light or in a backlit sittralion Whcn thc shutter rclcasr bulton is depresscd halfway down in low light thc rcd larnp will ligtrt up indicating the flash is ready to disc ha...

Страница 28: ...ilnt irrcluding thc filrn lca lcr is ul ays rcwtluttd ilrto tltc carlritlgc t prevcllt atry p rit of thc lllnr bcirrg cxJxrscd to light 24 2 Unloading the film l o rrnload the film open lhe back cover snd re move lhe cartridge from the chamber by pulling the top of the film cartridge out with your firrcr Notes o l he shuttcr may be released a frame or lwo cvcn aftcr thc spccilictl rtttnrtrcr of fr...

Страница 29: ...oll rewind button with the protrusion part of the strap clamp thc lens re tracts and thcn film rewilrclirtg starts When re in t it complcted the motor stops and 0 blinks indicating that the back covcr may be opcned safcly Do not dcpress the button with an objcct having a sharp tiP 26 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 30: ...le dial Red Dye Reduction l lash F unction lh i it r riii i t o re licc rhc rcrl eye phcrromenorr in thc picture tlcprcss thc rcd eyc rcrittction flaslr butlon E With this nlode tlre flash dist lrarges two collsccu tivc timcs rcducing thc appcarance of llre rcd eyc effcct l o canceI lhis mode dcpress the rcd cye rc duction butlorr again 1 26 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 31: ... set various focusing modes depress the AF mode button AI Red eye phenomcnon in flash photogrsphy Whcn a picture is takcn usirrg a flash a subjecl s eycs may appcar red in the print I lris phen lntcnon is causcd by thc reflcction of lhc elcctronic fllsh in the rctina lt carr bc rcrlttced whcn thc sutrottrtding of tlrc subjccts ure brightclted or sh xrting iislancc is shortencd or by employirrg the...

Страница 32: range to tlke picturcs This will errsure that a picturc is well exposed without any shadow Whcn y lu wish to discharge thc flash usc this nrodc In this mode the flash will always discharge Note o Make sure that the red lamp in the viewfinder is lit when the shutter release button is de prcssed halfway down before shooting The rcd lamp blinking indicutes that the flash is being chargcd Make sure...

Страница 33: ... o Whcn shooting in krw light thc shrrttcr spccd gcls slowcr atttl catttcra shakc is likcly ttl blur your pic turc Jsc lf a tripod is rccontnrcndcd r Makc sure y u arc within tlrc f lash cffcctivc rangc cvcn whcn ytttt usc tlrc l lash as a fill in l lash irr rlaylight Scc pagc 2 1 In lhis m rde the flash docs not discharge and a picture is takcn at a slow shuttcr specd up to approx 2 seconds Use i...

Страница 34: ...photographwitlr a night sccrte in thc backgrtlttttd lbr example Set the main switch mode dial to the B l posi tion I appcars on thc t Ct panelandthe llulb Sync Mode is set o Make sttrc you re within thc flnsh effective rangc evcrl whcn thc ltulb Sync Modc in usc Scc pagc 23 Bulb Mode B l lris mode is uscful for long exp sures rc qrrirecl for shrxrting firc Bulb Svnch ntooe B l l his lcts you usc t...

Страница 35: ...o gct irr thc picturc Usc ll a tripod is rccornrncrrdcd I f epress the drive button until O appcars on the L I pancl Ilulb mode approx 3 sec ISO 40O The shutterremainsopenaslong as the shutter re lcasebutton held down Us of a tripod is recommended 31 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 36: ...tch mode dial o Whcn you wanl to use thc flash with the self timer errsurcthat the red lamp is lit indicating the flash has bcen charged beforc operating the self tinter 2 Assure thst the subjcct is within the AIr frame in thc viewfinder l cprcss thc shutter release but ton fully The shutter will be reteased in aborrt lO seconds When the Sclf Timer is wcrrking the Self l imcr symbol C trtint son t...

Страница 37: ...ooting with the wirelcss re mote control o Wlrclr the remote control is used lo take pic turcs the Sirrglc I rame Modc can bc uscd in conrbinalion with any of thc exposure ntodes l lrc Self l irrrer shooling tnode cannot bc uscd in this case o Use the remote conlrol to takc pictures in the Bulb Mode to avoid camera shake While thc remote control s shrrttcr relcasc bulton is held down the shutter r...

Страница 38: ...nks slowly indicaling thnt you can take picturcs with the aid of a remote con trol lf the shutter is rcleascd by the camers s release button the picture will be taken in thc ordinary shrnting mode e When tle camera is set in lhe Remote Control Shooting Mode and left unused for 5 minutes the lcns atrtomatically retracts and the Single Framc Shooting Mode will be set cnch lime LCD panel 34 www orpha...

Страница 39: ...lf the battery is exhausted pleasehave it replaccd at your local l cnlax Scrvicecenter thcre is a chargefor this service I I l i i l 3 Composethe sceneand frame the subject with the AF frame Aim the remotecontrol transmitter towardsthe remoiecontrol receiver on thecantera and then depressthe remotecontrol s shutter releasebut ton lblly to releasethe shulter r l he self timerlamp blinks rapidly for...

Страница 40: ...tial cxposure l he film will not sdvonce thc frame counter indication end B blink on the ICI panel to indicate that you are in the Multi Exposure Mode i Rccompose the frame and depress the shuiter release button to shoot the second shot the film will advance and the Sinele Frame shooting will be rector d Notes To exlx sure two or more depress the drive but torr unlil rhe 13 rcnrains lit aftcr the ...

Страница 41: ... LCD psnel A will light up in the viewfinder whcn the shutter rclease button is dcprcssed halfway down O will not light up in the vicwfinder when the shuttcr rclcase button is dcprcsscd halfway down o After the picture is taken by fully depressing thc shuttcr release buttott this nlodc is can ccled r In this mode the flash will not discharge when the main switch nrode dial is set at the W position...

Страница 42: ...chthe Spot AF Mode I epressthe AF modebutton until SPOT AF ep pcarson the l CD panel 2 lrocuson the subject Itocuson the subjectwith the Spot AF frame In the centcr of the viewfinder r When the main subjcct is off the Spt AF frame use tltc focus lock technique Seepagc 39 38 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 43: subject is off the auto rcusframc in lltc cen ter of the viewfinder usc the fo cus lock tcchnique Focus lock is thc function to lock ftlcus Focw on the subject with the autofircus frgme When the shutter release button ic depresses halfway down the grecn lemp in the viewfinder lights up and the exposure snd focus are tempo rarily locked 39 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 44: ...ther subjcct near the actual one and equidistant from thc lens Subjects which may fool the autofrrcus systcm irrclude a Extrenrcly low contrast subjects such as a white wall or blue sky in the autofocus frame b Sulrjccts which don t reflcct much light in thc autof rcusframe c Subjccts with horizontal lines or with finely cornplex or deatiled patterns in the autofclcus frame d Subjccts which are mo...

Страница 45: ...he panorama firrmat mode r When the picture frame is switched lo Pano rama the vicwt inder switches to thc horizorttal panorama forlnat frame 2 fEl tppeons on the LCI Panel 3 Taking a panorama format Picture Compose the scene within lhc panorame format framc and thcn fully dcpress lhc shrrltcr rcleusc button to tske I ponorama format picture o When taking panorama format picturcs in the close dist...

Страница 46: ...o record DATE information in the panorama mcxle in a similar manner to the standard picture taking mode See DA E M DEL on page 44 for dctails I he dat ing unit automatically switches the DA l ti posi tion bctween the standard and panorarna according to the f rrmat modc selcctcd 42 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 47: ... clerk at tlre prrru essrng lab lo ucvcroP rnc rrrrrrwrrrrurrrv l k l i i iii n wirh borh t d srandar6forriat photographson the film ask the c itandard and Panorarna fornrat o I hc developrnent i r formatIricturesis a nroretime consuming and exgrcnsive processthan ifr i oi ti iifui t pi ri is Plcaseconsuliihe processing lab for more details r parorama format p rriitg iiiti r Jirr b p Ji on thc arc...

Страница 48: ...ressthe MODE button with Your fingcr the modeon the l Cl Panel switchesas shownin the chart Notes r The data on the LCD Panel will be imprintedon the film indicates no data will be imprinted o M on the LCD panel indicates Month F ofl I I r r I q l Lgs r qlsl SEI Cf 1u o o lvtOO I m The date in the picture abovc is simulated 44 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 49: ...resi the SELF C I button to make the blink then deprcss the adjust button in sync with a time signal If you release the shutter while the blinking data is being corrected the data cannot be im printed Operational precrutions o l hc data bn thc LCD pancl is imprintcd on each frame you exPosc o Year Montir Day and Day lfour Minute cannol bc inrprinted at lhe sanrc lirne o As you rcleast thc shutter ...

Страница 50: battery life performance may vary drasticallydepending on usage of Power Zoom Flash and externalconditionssuch as tem peratureand freshncssof the battery Notes on replaelng the battery r Ensure that the power is off before replacing the battery r I he battcry is used by both the camera trocly and the data function on thc DATE model to keep constarrt track of time After the baltery is rcpl rccd ...

Страница 51: ...the indicetions in the battery comPartmcnt 3 Ctosc the battery chamber cover Flnsure lhat thc covcr is klckcd with u click r If the battery is correctly loadccl thc zoom lens nr vcsslighily alttl the lllotor Qpcratcs lirr a fcw scconds o n thc DA E M DEL the datu is initializcd whert thc battcry charnber covcr is tllo ncd Scc oac c45 lor corrcctitrg thc lirtrc arltl dutc Ui onc 3V l i thi r r r n ...

Страница 52: ...oll Secpage24 2 Irly printcrl pictures don t clear look vcry Did you lnsition lhe arrlolrnrs frnme on your subje ct Secpage 20 Did you obstrucl lhe autofocus window with your fingers hair or other obje t when you rlcprcssthe shutler relcasebutlon Scepage lO ls the autofocuswindow ttirty Wipe it off Scepage21 a 3 Tnom lens retracied automatically o Did you leave the comera unused lor over 3 minutes...

Страница 53: ...t situation Secpagc 23 Daylight sync nrule has bcenset Soepage28 tf cithcr mark disapJrcars when the zoom lever is move the camcra is ready for use The camera may bc dcfixtive if tither tnlrk apJrcars often 5 The H or U mark is displayod on the LCD panel l O t 3 0m 2 6 9 Eft 2 6 39ft 0 8 ll 9m i 2 r 6 1 3 23 Em __ l 1 f _ 2 ll Ont t 2 6 5rn I f 2 g zm L 2lQ_t_ 3 19fQ 1 ll 2 t 9 5 zft With high spc...

Страница 54: ...five Jnint aglof fu_ssystem Autofocu sing range L2m if qnl inliniry nr Teie 200tr 0 8dm 2 6ft infinity_at48mnr Ma rimtrnr magnific a ii tu npp n O ilSX Frxus lock is providcd l_rrfinity llntlscaJrt morlc ftrcusis fixerlto in hnityi Iiocus aid illuminator is automalicallyillunrinatedin low light or hard to aulofircussrrbject B lectroniczoom ProgrammedAE electronicshutter with sJreed appror l 4oo 2 ...

Страница 55: ...f shooting usr s flash under Pentlx lest ing condiiiorts nailer texhausrion rarning i t on the LcD pancl shutter is lncked whe t blinking size weishe 1i7 5 w x 745OD x 77 D mm 5 x 2 9 x 1 0 320e ll 3oz withoul battery DATE MODEL Date mechanism Crystal quartz controtled I CD with djg italcl lck auto calcndar up to 2019 I ossiblc to imprint both standardand panoranticftrrrttutfrulncri Ioprinting mgd...

Страница 56: ... gZ il_ig i fi i EE ra i NF U3E EHffiF i Ei i z3 E I t r E i n i rXl FF9E zeg eH pH UH i v I t tr _ ffi c 2lll cjillb i D l ioptcr adjustmcnl dinl p t5 O Vicn fintlcr eycPiccc G l rrroratna levcr p 41 D Z rxrnrlcvcr p ll Irilrn information window D ltack cover releaselcver Pl2 D l attery chumbcr cover P 47 t I rifrod strkct rlE Rnck covcr P 12 F Nlid roll rewind button P 25 54 www orphancameras co...

Страница 57: ... RenroteControl Shooting Mule p 34 Self Timer p 3t D Multi ExposurcMode p 36 bs I i I I I r I FOR YOUR REFERENCE KEEP TIIIS CARD WIT I TIIE CAMERA PEITAXIQZoonA I t s d EH T X 4 z o 2 l oe ts 4 ra W M ffi 7a o F 5 6 A 7 sl e r r flolF r 9 _ ffiffi F3 t t t ftrt lHft er llll ilillRllp r l o i l 4 4 lJ N 0 t 5E 1 q 4 I T 9 J f a a z T g E I J Q U o J c eF d J l p u q x 35 a2 E A z F r q 4 U F Q i r ...
