Put your pool cleaning on “Kruise” control
The Kreepy Kruiser
pool cleaner shares many of the
design features of the Kreepy Krauly
pool cleaner, the
most popular automatic suction-side vacuum in history.
Then we added performance features to make Kreepy
Kruiser relentless in its pursuit of dirt and debris, while
keeping it affordable and sensationally dependable.
Kreepy Kruiser features a new, patented silent flapper
design. This sole operational moving part creates the
kinetic energy that powers Kreepy Kruiser around your
pool. Elegantly simple and highly reliable, this dependable
design has been proven in more than 2 million pools
worldwide. Other features include:
Superior vacuum power and extra-wide mouth
capture large and small debris with ease.
Silent flapper design provides quiet cleaning performance.
Patented seal design includes specially engineered
slots and “fingers” to assure the unit won’t get stuck
or thrown off course by main drains, tight corners,
eyeball fittings, and lights.
Built-in bumper assures free movement around
steps and ladders for total cleaning coverage and
uninterrupted, hands-free operation.
Kreepy Kruiser
Automatic Inground Pool Cleaner
By Pentair Water Pool and Spa
Specially designed slots and
curved “fingers” climb over
obstructions so Kreepy Kruiser
keeps performing—unattended
and without interruption.