Pegasus Pneumatic User & Installation Instructions
User Instructions:
- Push the on/off button once
to activate the whirlpool and again to
deactivate (pictured above).
Air Control
- Whilst the whirlpool is running
you can turn the air control to increase the
air flow to the jets - the more air the greater
the pressure.
Turbo Whirlpool
- If you have a turbo
whirlpool the air control will be replaced
by a second on/off button. Push this button
whilst the whirlpool is in operation to
activate the ‘turbo boost’.
Hydro Whirplool
- Hydro systems are
controlled by 2 on/off buttons and a diverter
valve (pictured above). Air from the blower
can be directed to the whirlpool system using
the diverter valve giving a ‘turbo-boosted’
Push the on/off buttons once to activate
each feature and again to deactivate them.
Once both the whirlpool and the airpool are
in operation the diverter valve can be turned
to chose between 3 massage options; turbo
whirlpool only, spa only or both at the same
System Blow Dry
- This feature is only
available on turbo and hydro systems.
Once you have emptied your whirlpool bath
activate the blower for a couple of minutes
to dry the pipework.
- For cleansing of your whirlpool
system we recommend regular use of our
whirlbath cleanser and sanitiser tablets.
Installation Instructions:
- Do not use a knife to remove
the wrapping. This bath has been factory
fitted with a quality whirlpool system. Once
fitted the whole system has then been water
& electrically tested, quality inspected and
then wrapped to ensure that it arrives with
you in perfect working order.
It is the responsibility of the contractor/
purchaser to ensure that this bath is installed
only by a qualified Plumber & a qualified
Electrician. All electrical connections
must comply with the current edition of
I.E.E. Regulations. After connection the
appropriate completion certificate must be
presented to the end user in accordance
with I.E.E. Regulations.
- If damage is caused to the
system due to mishandling or incorrect
installation, Pegasus Whirlpool Baths (UK)
Ltd reserve the right to charge for any repair
work needed! Our Callout charge is £75.00
plus VAT and will be charged to the customer
for all callouts whether the fault lies with the
customer or the installers.
Apology to installers
- This whirlpool
system has been fitted to this bath so as to
allow as litle water as possible to remain in
the pipework after use. With some baths
(especially corner baths) our best fit policy
can occasionally mean a pump position or
awkwardly placed pipework which will make
life difficult for the installer and increase the
normal installation time. Our policy on water
retention is, that is is better for the installer
to “suffer” for a couple of hours, than for the
end-user to suffer for years - If you are one of
the few installers to “suffer”, please accept
our apologies.
The quality of this finished product is now
in your hands. If you would like to discuss
the options available, please ring us on our
Duty Technical Support Engineer on
01633 244555.
Plumbers Instructions:
lift or manoeuvre the bath by the
whirlpool pipework.
remove the protective tape from
the controls on the rim of the bath until all
plastering and grouting has been completed.
Grout dust has been known to cement the
air control solid.
remove any electrical ties on the
pipework - they are there for a purpose. Ties
that have not had their ends clipped can be
allow the electrician to install the
E.L.C.B. under the bath - it makes it awkward
for future access.
allow anyone to dry run the
pump. i.e. do not run the pump without
water in the system. Water acts as a coolant
for the pump impellor and casing without
which costly damage will occur.
● ACCESS must be provided to the pump,
control box and waste.
● Assemble the bath legs etc as per the
manufacturers instructions taking care if
the bath has to be turned upside down.
Occasionally we will temporarily fit the
legs to the bath when fitting the whirlpool
system. If the legs are subsequently left on
the bath it is still the plumbers responsibility
to check that all screws and brackets are in
place and secure.
Head Office:
61-62 Lower Dock Street, Newport, South Wales NP20 1EF
(01633) 244555
(01633) 244881
http://www. pegasuswhirlpoolbaths.co.uk
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