Figure D: Gated signal for a sine wave
DC Output
The PeakTech generators are able to output a DC voltage from -10 to +10 Volts into an open circuit; -5 to +5 Volts
into a 50
load. To obtain DC output, set "Mode" to DC and set correct level by adjusting the "DC Offset" knob.
The continuous mode is the default mode of the unit. The continuous mode is applicable through the whole
frequency band of the unit.
The PeakTech generators provides several frequency ranges of operation beginning at 2 Hz. The accuracy of the
frequency is 0.01 %. After the desired frequency range is set through the Range/Attn. key, the frequency knob may
further fine tune the frequency.
The amplitude knob may adjust the output from -10 to 10 Volts into an open circuit, -5 to +5 Volts into a 50
Sub Function Operations
The PeakTech generators have five sub function routines to modify output waves. To enter into this mode, press
the "Sub Function" key. However, refer to the flow charts to obtain the routines.
Symmetry/Duty Cycle
When the subfunction "Symmetry On" is selected, the Symmetry/Duty Cycle may be adjusted from 10 % to 90 % of
all waves. These waves operate through the "Func Out" or "Sync Out" connectors.
Adjusting the duty cycle also causes the preset frequency to vary. Therefore, follow the steps below:
1. Adjust duty cycle
2. Set a desired frequency.
The VCG mode allows one to input a signal (through "VCG In" BNC connector) into the function generator and
externally control the function generator's frequency output. Input voltage levels are from 0 to 10 Volts produce a
frequency variation of 100:1. Frequency Modulation (FM) is also possible in this manner by applying a modulation
waveform (DC plus AC) to the VCG input.
Either a linear or logarithmic sweep is able to be generated by the PeakTech Generators. The linear and
logarithmic sweeps have a sweep width of 100:1. It is through the linear sweep that a ramp wave could be
generated. In order to further modify the characteristics of the wave, the width (period) and the rate (slope) of the
waves may be modified. The rate of the sweep may vary from 10 ms to 5 seconds.
A specific frequency range must be set for proper operation. Output of the sweep mode is through the "Trig In/Swp
Out" connector (See Figure E).
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