WaveStar Color Monitor_____________________________________________________________
Ctrl Nr: PM375103 Revision: 003
Alarm Description
Under Voltage
Under voltage measured to ESF board as specified in points list.
BCMS Panelboard
Typical Alarms
Circuit Alarms
Alarm Description
: The Color Monitor can number panelboard circuits sequentially for up to 336 circuits (8 x 42-
circuit panelboards) as specified in device setup. Circuit alarms are identified by this number.
CB N Zero Current (N =
Circuit N has lost current after measuring a minimum current.
CB N High Current
Warning (N = 1-336)
Circuit N exceeds high current warning threshold.
CB N High Current
Alarm (N = 1-336)
Circuit N exceeds high current alarm threshold.
Panelboard Alarms
Alarm Description
Over Current PB
Current feeding one panelboard is above alarm threshold.
Under Current PB
Current feeding one panelboard is below alarm threshold.
Over Curr both PBs
A common circuit feeding both panelboards is over alarm threshold.
Under Curr both PBs
A common circuit feeding both panelboards is under alarm threshold.
Over Volt Main
Over voltage measured on main voltage source to panelboard.
Under Volt Main
Under voltage measured on main voltage source to panelboard.
Over Volt Alt
Over voltage measured on alternate voltage source to panelboard.
Under Volt Alt
Under voltage measured on alternate voltage source to panelboard.
Touch Screen does not
respond to touch.
The object on the touch
screen was not touched long
The touch screen is set up so that an
object must be pushed firmly for a
moment. A quick “peck” with a finger o
stylus may not be registered.
Monitor hangs: Monitor is
locked up and there is no
response to touches.
Press RESET button on backpanel.
No power to unit.
Main unit is not powered up.
Plug is not seated in J5 or J6
of the
Monitor’s backpanel
Backlight turned off.
Turn on or reset main circuit breaker to
the Monitor. Re-seat Monitor backpanel
power plugs J5 (120 VAC) or J6 (24
VDC). Touch the screen anywhere to
turn the backlight on.