Alarms and Troubleshooting_________________________________________________________
Ctrl Nr: PM375103 Revision: 003
Alarms by Device Type
Each device has its own alarm set based on its points list. Warnings and alarms that can be viewed
on the Monitor are listed below. The Monitor does not display setpoints from the points lists, such as
alarm thresholds.
Color Monitor Alarms
DISPLAY Comm. N Error (N is device number from 1-20): Communication error with one of the
devices in the Monitor’s downstream device chain
Alarm Description
Error (N is device
number from 1-20):
Communication error with one of the devices in the Monitor’s
downstream device chain
PDU Alarms
General PDU Alarms
Warning or Alarm
Alarm Description
Emergency Power Off on PDU has been engaged. When EPO button is
pushed, the alarm is activated and the unit’s main input circuit breaker
will then be shunt-tripped off line.
Remote EPO
Remote EPO on PDU can be activated in by closing the contacts on the
contractor board. When Remote EPO button is activated, the alarm is
activated and the unit’s main input circuit breaker will then be shunt-
tripped off line.
Thermal Overtemp
Stage 1 transformer temperature alarm: 180
F or higher temperature
registered in the transformer windings.
Thermal Hightemp
Stage 2, PDU shutdown on transformer temperature alarm by tripping
main PDU input circuit breaker when 195
F or higher temperature is
registered in the transformer windings. (Temperature threshold can vary
by transformer and PDU.)
Phase Rotation
Input phase rotation is incorrect.
S1-S2 Phase Angle
Dual input sources are not synchronized; cannot shutdown one source
and transfer load to the alternate source.
Ground Curr Trip
Ground current above preset level (10A) causes breaker trip (normally
disabled, enable as option).
Phase Rotation Trip
Incorrect phase rotation causes breaker trip (normally disabled, enable
as option).
Over Voltage Trip
Over voltage causes breaker trip (normally disabled, enable as option).
Under Voltage Trip
Under voltage causes breaker trip (normally disabled, enable as option).