© PCE Instruments
When you are in measurement mode, press the OK key to enter the settings screen which is divided
into 2 pages:
Page 1
Page 2
In order to change settings, select the menu item with the arrow keys and confirm with the OK key.
The values can then be changed by means of the arrow keys. Then press “OK” to confirm the
settings or the Back key to discard.
Description page 1
Display Unit
The display unit can be set
to: „N“, „kg“, „lb“ or „KPa“
Force Area
The force area can be set to a value between 999.99cm
and 0.01cm
and is included in the calculation if the display unit selected is „kPA“
(important for the accuracy).
Zero Tracking
For zero tracking, you can set:
„Off“, „0.1 N“, „0.2 N“, „0.3 N“, „0.4 N“, „0.5 N“
Values below the value set are automatically excluded before the zero
point stabilises. After stabilisation of the reading, the sampling rate will
be 1 x per second. Deviations from the measured value which are
below the set value are automatically excluded in order to keep the
displayed values.
Sampling Speed
You can set how many measurements are taken per second. A value
between 6 and 1600 Hz can be set here.
Note: The higher the sampling rate, the lower the accuracy will be.
Higher sampling rates are suitable for dynamic measurements whereas
lower sampling rates are more suitable for static and slow
Calibrate Grav
Enter the gravity at the place of calibration.
Alarm Upper
The upper alarm can be set to +/- 9999.9.
Alarm Mode
You can choose “Within“ (within alarm limit), “Beyond“ (outside alarm
limit), “Fracture“ (overload alarm) or “Off“.