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MiniCapt Remote Microbial Air Sampler Operations Manual
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Airflow Rate Errors
Airflow Rate Errors
As a result of the performance check procedure (see Chapter 6, “Maintenance and
Performance Checks.”), the flow rate at the sensor’s inlet should be the following:
• 25 LPM + 5%
• 50 LPM + 5%
• 100 LPM + 5%
A flow rate error greater than 15% (±5%) indicates that maintenance is required. Low
flow could be due to an obstructed orifice, leaks or insufficient vacuum.
A minimum of 12 inches of Hg is required at the MiniCapt Remote Microbial Air Sampler
critical orifice for the unit to provide the required sample flow rate.