Parker EME
Compax3 device description
192-120101 N11 C3I11T11 November 2007
In normal operation of Compax3, 24 V DC of power is supplied to the "Enable"
input (X4/3). The drive is then controlled by the digital inputs/outputs or the
When used properly, the ”Safe standstill” safety function is only used when the
motor is at a standstill, since it is not capable of braking a motor or bringing it to a
standstill by itself.
Devices with the "Safe Standstill" safety function
The ”Safe Standstill” safety function is implemented in the following
Compax3 technology function
Device power
I10T10, I11T11
S025V2, S063V2
I11T30, I20T30, I21T30, I22T30, I30T30
S100V2, S150V2
I11T40, I20T40, I21T40, I22T40, I30T40
S015V4, S038V4
I12T11, I20T11, I21T11, I22T11, I30T11
S075V4, S150V4
C10T11, C10T30, C10T40
C13T11, C13T30, C13T40
and does apply only for the safety switching devices used in the application