Adrian Belew
Fly Model
Adrian Belew Maxx Fly Control Layout
Master Volume
The Master Volume adjusts the volume of the magnetic pickups and the acoustic piezo bridge. When using the 13-pin output, the synth output will
always be at full volume from the guitar. Typically, synth pedals split the magnetic and synth outputs for driving two separate amplifiers. This is
because requirements of magnetic pickups and synth sounds are usually very different and each requires its own amplifier. And because the
synth output from the pedal is always at full volume, a volume pedal is required between the synth pedal and the amplifier.
Push Pull Tone/Sustainer/harmonic mode - DOWN position is Normal Tone operation. UP
position engages Sustainer. Turning the control in UP mode to past center detent engages
Harmonic Mode.
The Tone/Sustainer/Harmonic Mode Control is a multi-function unit. It works like a typical tone control, but when the knob is pulled up,
the sustainer will be engaged. Turning the control full clockwise the user will feel a click that will put the sustainer into Harmonic
Mode. Pushing the control down will disengage all sustainer functions. PLEASE NOTE: When sustainer is engaged, the neck pickup ceases
to operate as a pickup and is used to energize the strings to create sustain. Regardless what position the 3-way switch is in, engaging
the sustainer will make the guitar default to the bridge pickup.
Mag/Piezo Blend Control
The Mag/Piezo Blender control lets the user choose between the magnetic pickups or the piezo bridge ............. and anything in
between. Full clockwise will be magnetic pickups only. Full counterclockwise will be piezo bridge only. And any blend between the two can
be chosen. A detent can be felt in the middle of the rotation, which is roughly a 50-50 blend of the two
3 Way selector switch- DOWN position = Bridge Humbucker only, MIDDLE position = Bridge
humbucker plus front portion of Sustainer P/U, FORWARD position= front portion of
Sustainer P/U
Sustainer On/Off switch.
Important- Midi System Patch controls NOT available on guitar, Patch controls are handled by your
MIDI system.
¼” Courtesy output for tuner- Bridge P/U only, master
volume is bypassed.
2 9v batteries required for operation (18v)