Axial Piston Pump
Series PV, series 47 and higher
Bulletin MSG30-3245-INST/UK
Installation manual
Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Pump & Motor Division Europe
Chemnitz, Germany
Depending on its type, the horse power compen-
sator consists of a remote pressure com pen sator
or a load sensing compensator in combination
with the horse power pilot cartridge. The open-
ing pressure of this pilot cartridge depends on
the actual displacement of the pump. At large
displacements the opening pressure is low. As the
displacement is reduced the opening pressure is
increased according to the form of the contour
sleeve in the pump. That leads to the desired con-
trol characteristic (constant input horse power).
That is achieved by having the pilot cartridge seat
being guided by the contour sleeve. This contour
sleeve is firmly connected to the servo piston. The
contour represents the desired input horse power.
The horse power pilot cartridge is internally con-
nected to the compensator valve. Compensator
valves for horse power compensated pumps dif-
fer from standard compensator valves only in the
fact, that a plug in a connecting hole is removed.
For a standard horse power compensator with
ordering code ...*L* a modified remote pressure
compensator is used. For a horse power compen-
sator with load sensing, code ...*C* a modified
load sensing compensator is used.
9. Horse power compensator, codes ...*L*, ...*C*
pensator is 15 ± 1 bar. These adjustments should
not be modified.
If different adjustments are required by the system
or by the load sensing valves used in the system,
see page 8 for setting instructions.
With ordering code ...MTP a manual adjustable
pressure pilot valve code PVAC1PM*S35 is
mounted on the elbow manifold.
With ordering code ...MTK a proportional pilot
valve code PVACREM-*K35 is mounted on top.
For electronic pressure control a suitable power
amplifier is required. We recommend the digital
modules PCD00... supplied by Parker HCD.
Because the two spool compensator has no
integrated pilot valves, for a stand-by function
the compensator accessory PVAC1EM*C**35,
including a directional control valve and a pilot
section, is required.
pilot cartridge
compensator valve
contour sleeve
adjustment spindle
lock nut
Partial section through a horse power controlled
Horse power pilot cartridge