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Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Propeller QuadRover (#28195) Example Program Instructions
v1.0 6/16/2008 Page 1 of 3
Propeller QuadRover (#28195) Example Program Instructions
This documentation contains example code for controlling the Propeller QuadRover Robot with the
Propeller Control Board via a standard four-channel RC airplane or helicopter radio system.
Safety Precautions
CAUTION: User must read and understand this entire document before attempting to use the
Propeller QuadRover robot.
The QuadRover is a heavy-duty robotics test-bed that is intended for
research and development including custom user-written programs and control systems. Because of its
size and weight, an improperly controlled QuadRover can cause damage to itself and to other property,
as well as personal injury, including death. The QuadRover employs a gasoline engine and hydraulic
power system, both of which can create high temperatures and high hydraulic pressure. Proper care and
safety precautions must be taken when working with these systems.
Please observe the following precautions:
Parallax Inc. will issue changes to the Propeller QuadRover manual to update its accuracy and
apprise the user of new procedures and design changes. It is the user’s responsibility to
maintain an updated operating manual. Documentation revisions will be posted and available for
download from the QuadRover product page at www.parallax.com. Before using the QuadRover,
check for the latest documentation.
When developing and testing programs and applications with the QuadRover, the robot should be
elevated and firmly mounted on a platform in such a way that the wheels do not touch the
ground and vibrations will not cause the QuadRover to break free.
The QuadRover must be operated in a controlled area free from people, animals, and property
that could be damaged.
Proper safety equipment must be worn while working on the QuadRover.
An engine kill-switch pull string and tether have been provided; the tether should be attached to
the ring on the pull-string for use as an emergency cut off in the event of an unintended loss of
It is the responsibility of the operator to know and comply with all state and local laws and
regulations applicable to the operation of gas-engine equipment, including, but not limited to,
requirements for spark arrestors and any restrictions for operating gas-engine vehicles on public
property or streets.
It is the user’s responsibility to obtain and properly store all Material Safety Data Sheets for the
gasoline, engine oil, and hydraulic oil used.
Parallax Inc. cannot be held responsible for any harm or injury that may occur due to improper,
unsafe, or uncontrolled operation of the QuadRover.
Disclaimer of liability:
Parallax Inc. is not responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages
resulting from any breach of warranty, or under any legal theory, including lost profits, downtime,
goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment or property, or any costs of recovering,
reprogramming, or reproducing any data stored in or used with Parallax products. Parallax Inc. is also not
responsible for any personal damage, including that to life and health, resulting from use of any of our
products. You take full responsibility for your Propeller QuadRover robot application, including use of and
modifications to the example code referenced here, no matter how life-threatening it may be.