March 1998
Model 916x/926x T1 Access Mux
Document Number 9161-A2-GK42-00
March 1998
This document contains information concerning the use of the Model 916x/926x
T1 Access Mux that is not included in your user documentation. Keep this
document with your T1 Access Mux’s documentation.
This information applies to the following documents:
Model 916x/926x T1 Access Mux User’s Guide (Document
No. 9161-A2-GB20-20)
Quick Reference, included with the Model 916x/926x T1 Access Mux User’s
Model 916x/926x T1 Access Mux Technical Reference (Document
No. 9161-A2-GH30-20)
Added Clear Device Fail to Control Menu
Clear Device Fail has been added to the Control menu. This selection clears any
device failure messages from the System Health and Status screen.
This change affects the following documents and pages:
User’s Guide,
Health and Status Messages, page 5-15.
Quick Reference,
Control Branch in Menu Hierarchy.
Technical Reference,
Control Branch in Menu, page A-2.
Changed System Alarm Relay to Apply to Access
The System Alarm Relay applies to the 9000 Series Access Carrier as well as to
the 5-slot housing.
This change affects the following document page:
Technical Reference,
Control Branch in Menu, page 5-7.