Displaying System Information
June 1997
What It Indicates
Tx BECN Frames
Number of Backward-Explicit Congestion Notifications sent
over the interface.
The network sends BECNs to notify users of data traffic
congestion in the opposite direction of the frame carrying the
BECN indicator.
The access unit may have set this bit. This could occur if this
DLCI is a source DLCI on a PVC connection, and CIR is
greater than the CIR set for the destination DLCI, causing data
to be discarded.
This could also occur when the speed of the alternate
destination (backup) link is lower than the source DLCI’s.
Rx BECN Frames
Number of Backward-Explicit Congestion Notifications
received over the interface.
The network receives BECNs to notify users of data traffic
congestion in the opposite direction of the frame carrying the
BECN indicator.
Rx FECN Frames
Number of Forward-Explicit Congestion Notifications received
for the selected DLCI on the interface.
The network sends FECNs to notify users of data traffic
congestion in the same direction of the frame carrying the
FECN indicator.
Clearing statistics from the PVC Performance Statistics screen only clears
the statistics for the PVC shown. To clear all statistics or all statistics for an
interface, select Clear Statistics from the Performance Statistics menu.
Clearing Performance Statistics
You can clear all performance statistics, or clear all statistics for a selected
interface using the Clear Statistics menu.
— You can also use the ClrStats function at the bottom of Performance
Statistics screens to clear only the statistics shown on that screen.
— T1 Telco statistics cannot be cleared.