Displaying System Information
June 1997
Network Physical Performance Statistics
For the network physical performance statistics, these metrics are kept for each
15-minute interval over the past 24-hour period. A Telco set and a user set are
kept for each metric. The user set is generally a copy of the Telco set, but the
user set can be cleared.
You can collect the following metrics for the Network physical interface:
Errored Seconds (ES) – Any second with one or more ESF Error events.
Unavailable Seconds (UAS) – Any second in which service is unavailable.
Severely Errored Seconds (SES) – Any second with 320 or more CRC errors
or one or more Out Of Frame (OOF) events.
Bursty Errored Seconds (BES) – Any second with more than one but less
than 320 CRC errors.
Controlled Slip Seconds (CSS) – Any second with one or more controlled
slips (a replication or deletion of a DS1 frame by the receiving device). This is
collected for network performance statistics only.
Loss of Frame Count (LOFC) – The number of Loss of Frame conditions.
In addition to the metrics kept for the Network physical interface, the value of the
Status Event Register is kept for each 15-minute interval (user count only). The
system records the occurrence of the following events:
Yellow Alarm
Loss of Signal
Excessive Error Rate
Frame Synchronization Bit Error
Line Code Violation
Network performance statistics are only available for those interfaces using
ESF framing. Verify that the Line Framing Format field on the Network
Physical Options screen is set to ESF (Path: main/config/network/physical).
To help you in selecting trouble spots, a Worst Interval is displayed on Line 18.
The Worst Interval contains the largest number of seconds for either ES, UAS,
SES, BES, or CSS, or the greatest Loss of Frame Count (LOFC). If more than
one interval contains the same worst value, then the oldest interval is displayed.