The main body of this page contains a confirmation popup to clear all the user settable
alarms on the system.
Pressing on
“Confirm” clears all the user settable alarms on the system. Pressing on the
cancel returns the FPD back to the Common Menu page.
Figure 67: Alarm Clear Page
About Pages
The About pages are used to provide high-level information about the UPS and the
firmware loaded in the core modules of the UPS. The first page provides general
information about the UPS and maps to the FW information that is currently on each
processor in the UPS.
About Menu Page
This page has the same two banners across the top of the page and the same banner
along the bottom of the page as described in the Status Menu page.
The main body of this page has the UPS SKU (Part) Number, the UPS Serial Number,
the Manufacture Date, and a link to the UPS Firmware Version pages.