the “OUT 02” line to select the meaning of the second output dry contact (between OUT
pins 3 and 4 on the back of the UPS). The default is Close.
Pressing on the button field next to the “OUT 3” contact toggles the sense of this output
contact between “Normally Open” and “Normally Close”. Press the left or right arrow on
the “OUT 03” line to select the meaning of the third output dry contact (between OUT
pins 5 and 6 on the back of the UPS). The default is Close.
Pressing on the button field next to the “OUT 4” contact toggles the sense of this output
contact between “Normally Open” and “Normally Close”. Press the left or right arrow on
the “OUT 04” line to select the meaning of the fourth output dry contact (between OUT
pins 7 and 8 on the back of the UPS). The default is Close.
After making all the necessary changes on this page, press the “Save Config” button to
save the changes.
Press on the up arrow to go to the previous page. Press the down arrow to go to the
next page. Press the up and over arrow to return to the Advanced Setting Menu page.
Maintenance Pages
Maintenance Menu Page
This Maintenance Menu page has two maintenance pages.
From this page the user may setup the automated battery tests or adjust the alignment of
the touch screen on the front of the UPS unit.
Figure 55: Maintenance Menu Page
Pressing the Battery Self-Check transitions the display to the battery self-check setup