2.4.3 Configure the directory of the PC that images will be
downloaded to [Log]
Click the [Log] tab on the “Basic” page. (
For menu display and how to operate, refer to page 34, page 34)
The directory of the PC that images recorded on the SD memory card will be downloaded to can be configured
in this section.
The settings related to the directory of the PC that recorded images of when alarms occur will be downloaded
to can be performed.
[Recording stream] - [Name of the destination directory for downloaded images]
Enter the name of the destination directory to which images recorded in the recording stream are to be
downloaded. For example, enter “C:\alarm” to designate the folder “alarm” under drive C.
Available number of characters:
3 - 128 characters
Available characters:
Alphanumeric characters, the slash (/), the backslash (\), the colon (:) and the
underscore (_).
The settings related to the directory name of the PC that images recorded by manual saving or schedule saving
will be downloaded to can be performed.
Designate the destination folder in the same manner as for “Alarm”.
Operating Instructions
2 Settings