18. Add MQTT function
(Operating Instructions – Configuring the network settings [Network] – Configure advanced
network settings [Advanced])
MQTT (Message Queueing Telemetry Transport) has been added to “Advanced” of “Network”. When an
alarm occurs, the MQTT server can be notified of the event action by the alarm.
[MQTT settings]
Set On/Off whether to enable/disable the MQTT function.
When set to On, or it is On when the camera starts up, it will connect to the set server.
When the set alarm occurs, the settings will be notified to the server.
Enter the IP address or host name of the MQTT server to be notified when an alarm occurs.
Available number of characters:
1 - 128 characters
Available characters:
Alphanumeric characters, the colon (:), the period (.), the underscore (_), and
the hyphen (-)
None (blank)