Operating instructions ................................................. 1 pc.
The following are for installation.
Power cord ................................................................. 1 pc.
Serial cable ................................................................. 1 pc.
Rack mounting bracket .............................................. 2 pcs.
Bracket fixing screw ................................................... 4 pcs.
HDD fixing screw ...................................................... 16 pcs.
Cable clamp ............................................................. 1 pc.
Clamp fixing screw ................................................... 1 pc.
ORDER NO. AVS0405529C0
Extension Unit
Extension Unit
M a t s u s h i t a E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i a l C o . , L t d .
A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . U n a u t h o r i z e d c o p y i n g a n d
d i s t r i b u t i o n i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w .
2 0 0 4
The Product with PbF
Required power:
120 V AC 60 Hz for WJ-HDE300
220 V AC - 240 V AC 50 Hz for WJ-HDE300/G
Power consumption:
85 W (including 4 HDDs when installed)
2-wire serial, 480 Mbps logical speed
Operating temperature:
+5 °C to +45 °C (41 °F to 113 °F)
Operating humidity:
Less than 85 %
420 mm (W) x 88 mm (H) x 350 mm (D), rubber feet exclusive
19-9/16" (W) x 3-7/16" (H) x 13-13/16" (D)
7.2 k
(16 lbs) (not including hard disk drives)
Weight and dimensions indicated are approximate.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.