In combination with the network microphone
This section provides an explanation of how to use the network microphone with NX400 in connection with the
fisheye network camera (hereinafter referred to as "fisheye camera").
Supported software version
The functions of the network microphone described in this section are available when the software version is
V1.10 or later.
Audio recording and playback using the network microphone
The audio input to the network microphone will be recorded as the audio of the fisheye camera. Also, the audi-
bility around the specified location can be improved while live images are displayed.
• The registration is required for both microphone and fisheye camera. The registration of the network micro-
phone by itself cannot perform recording or audio output.
• Operation with the network microphone is allowed only when the image compression method of the fisheye
camera is selected for H.264.
• Sound pick up is still available outside the specified location.
Supported microphones (As of September, 2017)
V1.10 or later
Compatible cameras (As of September, 2017)
WV-SW458 series
V1.55 or later
V1.55 or later
V1.55 or later
V1.11 or later
V1.11 or later