Panasonic NE-1024 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание NE-1024

Страница 1: ...Panasonic Operati ngInstructions Commercial Microwave Ovens ModelNE l0547 NE l0247 Betoreoperatingthis oven please readthese instructionscompletely ...

Страница 2: ...age Heating 10 C P r o g r a m m e d H e a t i n g 1 I Programming A Programming MemoryPadsforSingleStageHeatin9 12 B Programming MemoryPadsfor2 or 3 StageHeating 13 C Programming the DoubleQuantityPadfor Multiple PortionHeating 14 OtherFeatures A ToActivate Program Lock 15 B ToRelease Program Lock 15 Owner s Record TollFree ModelNo SerialNo Service Information The serialnumberol this oroductmav b...

Страница 3: ...gedcord or plug ifit is notworking properly or if it hasbeendamaged or drooDed 11 Donotimmerse cordor pluginwater 12 Keepcord awayfrom heatedsurfaces 13 Do notletcordhangoveredgeofa tableor counter 14 Thisappliance shouldbe serviced onlybyqualified service personnel Contacithe nearestauthorized servicentre for examination repairor adjustment 15 Someproductssuchas wholeeggs narrowneckbottles andsea...

Страница 4: ... The plugmustbe pluggedintoan outletthatis properly installed andgrounded WARNING Improperuseol the grounding plugcanresultin a riskot electric shock Consulta qualilied electrician or servicepersonifthe grounding instructions are notcompletely understood or if doubtexrstsasto whetherlhe app ancersproperly grounoeo lf it is necessary to usean extension cord useonlya three wireextension cordthathasa...

Страница 5: ...rackor utensils madeot metalinthe ovenallowat leastoneinchof spacebetween metalmaterial andinterior ovenwalls lf arcing sparking occursremovemetalmaterial skewers etc and or transfer to a nonmetallic container Food 1 lt is betterto UNDERHEAT RATHER THANOVERHEAT foods lf foodis underheated itcanalwaysbe returned to theovenforfurtherheating li loodis overheated nothrng canbe done Alwaysstartwithmini...

Страница 6: ...s willbe absorbed bytood They oenetrateto a deothof about to 1 l inches Microwave energyexcitesthe moleculesinthe food especiallywater fat andsugarmolecules andcausesthemto vibrate at a rateof 2 450 000 000 timespersecond Thisvibration causes lriction andheatis produced justas youwillfeelheat produced il youvigorously rubyourhandstogether The internalheating of largerfoodsis doneby conduction The ...

Страница 7: ...crowave powerand heating time To continue heating closedoor Microwave heating beginsagain lf youwishto changethe timeduringheating simplyadjust thetimerto desiredminutes OvenWindow OvenLamp SplashGuard Light Diffuser 6 Whentimehaselapsed a bollwillringandthe unitwilltum otf Oven lightturnsotf o pj I icl6 t t r ri i D 1 4 I f f i l o 0 r H rrF r c racr tr t rfl s r IrJc Fr r a tn L i M 5 f o NOTE 1...

Страница 8: ...indow with Heawapor Film Do Not Remg 11 Ol Entamp 12 SplashGuard Light Oitluser f IJJ z DigitalDisplay WindowIndicator Locations A PBOG lndicator B DOUBLEOUANTITY x 2 HeatingIndicator C MemoryPad Numberand HeatingTime Display min sec eachindicator 0 9 D StageHeatingIndicaior 3 maximum HI iI HI MEDLOWOEFHOLD POWER LEVEL E PowerLevelIndicator Hr HrGH M HI MEDIUM HIGH MED MEDIUM LOW DEF DEFROST HOLD ...

Страница 9: ...inutes 99 seconds ExamDle 1 To set 15minutes 45 seconds Example 2 Toset press 6 1 min 30 sec 7 2 m i n 8 2 min 30 sec 9 3 m i n 0 3 min 30 sec z m tl 5 1 1 t r m e 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times HIGH MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM L O W DEFROST HOLD Display Window I l ill E l 4 1 85minutes E 30 seconds q Jl E l E Whenyoupressthe STARTPad the Display Windowshows t hour25 minutesinstead of 85 minutes 3...

Страница 10: ...ting time Example To heattor 2 minutesat D lrostpowertor 2 stageheating DisplavWindow l_ r l fe Df Llq0l trg T ff l I u l Fora 3 slage heatingcycle selecta power levelagainand setthe cookingtime betweensteps3 and 4 above SPECIALNOTE For both single and 2 or 3 stage heating 1 Whileheating onelouch on the STOP RESETPadstopsthe oven Youcan restartby pressingthe START Pad or a second touchon the STOP ...

Страница 11: ...lactoryselto automatically doublethe programmed timefor multiple portion heating ExamDle MemorvPad5 E 3 Beep tonewillsound Example 2 stage Memory Pad3 to Seepage13toprogram Memory Pad Seepagel5 to activate Program Lock t DorrBr E grui J 3 Follow steps2 3above Pressthe MemoryPad9 ln ProgramLockModeovenwill startwithoutpressing START Pad Seepage15 Press the START Pad Heatingwillstart The time inthe ...

Страница 12: ...etailurecode may result Press N lemory Pad5 The padnumberandthe previously selected timeandpowerlevelwill appearinthe Display Window The padnumberandStage Heating Indicator willappear inthe Display Windowagain Press the PorrrerLevelSelector Pad3 times The MemoryPad displaywillgo out PressMemoryPads3 and0 Pressthe PROG Padagain You havecompleted programming the selectedMemoryPadfor singlestageheati...

Страница 13: ...ght Pressthe MemorvPads2 0 and0 Pressthe PROG Padagain You havecompletedprogrammingthe Selectedl lemory Padfor 2 stage heating anddoubleheating timefor mulliple portion heatjng automatically 2 secondslater the Display Windowwillshow yoursettingprogramas step 5 on page 12 Display Window l 99 l i 0 I i J GNT l q I l E _ 9_ _ _L_ I e o g l z m o rl 5 l Afterall of yourprogramming hasbeen completed th...

Страница 14: ... e 2 t NOTE program theremaining MemoryPadasdesired by repeating steps1 6above Youmayinsertupto 10memory programs DONOTOPEN THEOVENDOOR while programming When thePBOGindicator isblinking theprogram canbecancelled and or thepaderased bypressing STOP RESET Pad Example To program30 seconds at HIGH I PBoG I Power on MemoryPad Number2 Pressthe PROG Pad NOTE lf no PROGlndicatorappearesin the DisplayWind...

Страница 15: ...P for6 seconds ProgramLock Featureis deactivated ovenis nowin Program Unlock mode 1 NOTEi Do notpressPROG Padfor longerthan30 seconds continuously or a falsefailure codemay result ln ProgramUnlock a Repeatand interrupt featuresareoperational b MemoryPadscan be programmed c Tone loudness controlis operational Disolav Window Pressand holdinthePBOG Pad untilthe displayshows P and 1 for6 seconds Progr...

Страница 16: ...e The MemoryPad Number5 Display Windowwilldisplay Program MemoryPadNumber5 firststageheating timeand power levelcurrently programmed on l ilemoryPad 2 secondslater the same intormation willbe displayed forthe2ndand3rdstage heating After all settingshave been displayed the PadNumberand the StageHeating Indicator will appearinthe Display Windowagain NOTE lf youwantto goto anotherprogram pressthe Mem...

Страница 17: ...sing STOP RESET Pad pressPOWERLeveiSelectorPad The displayshowsthetotalcumulative numberof trmestheovenhasbeenused Example 9999 means the ovenhasbeen used999900times 0020 meansthe ovenhasbeen used2000times lf thetotalcumulative number of timeslessthan 100times the displaywillnot be changed 2 secondslater 0 willreappear inthe Display Window l z m t 5 t E ToReadthe CycleCounter Theovencandispiay the...

Страница 18: ...lf steamaccumulates insideor aroundtheoutside of the oven door wipewilha softcloth Thismayoccurwhenthe rnicrowave ovenis operated underhighhumidity conditions andin no wayindicates mallunction of the unit 6 Cleanoffgreaseandduston bottomsurfaces otten Use warmdetergent solution 7 Cleaning insidetheovenouterpanelandinside the oven baseshouldbe performed onlyby qualified servicepersonnel aftertaking...

Страница 19: ... 12 x2O x 14 306mmx 510mmx 360mm CavityDimensions H x W x D 8 l x 13 x 13 205mmx 330mmx 330mm Net Approximately 34 lb 15 4kg Approximately 39 lbs 17 7kg Timer 99 min99 sec Digital x 10MemoryPads withDouble Quantity x2 Pad 6 minutes Rotary FRONTVIEW lEC 705 88TestProcedure Specifications subject to changewithoutnotice SIDEVIEWWITH DOOR OPEN ...

