4.6 Pr0.08 (Number of pulse signals per motor revolution)
Pr0.08 (Number of pulse signals per motor revolution)
PANATERM parameter: “Command pulse number per one motor revolution”
Setting range: 0 to 1048576 [pulse] (MINAS A5), 0 to 8388608 [pulse] (MINAS A6)
The default value is 10000 pulses per motor revolution.
Pr0.09 (Gear ratio numerator) and Pr0.10 (Gear ratio denominator)
PANATERM parameter: “First command division/multiplication numerator” (Pr0.09) and
“Command division/multiplication denominator” (Pr0.10)
Setting range: 0 to 1073741824 (Pr0.09) and 1 to 1073741824 (Pr0.10)
The default value is 0 for Pr0.09 and 10000 for Pr0.10.
If Pr0.09 is unequal 0, Pr0.08 will have no effect.
Pr5.32 (Maximum pulse input frequency)
PANATERM parameter: “Command pulse input maximum setup/digital filter setup”
Setting range: 250 to 4000 [kHz] (MINAS A5), 250 to 8000 [kHz] (MINAS A6)
The default value of 4000kHz (4 MHz) is primarily intended for host controllers (CNC or PLC)
with line driver outputs. The setting allows the driver to prepare itself for the pulse output
frequency of the host controller to be detected.
If the maximum pulse input frequency is below the minimum configurable value, for example
if a PLC has a maximum pulse output frequency of 100kHz, enter 250 in PANATERM to
minimize EMC issues.