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Having fun
Having fun
Having Fun with Recorded Pictures
Pictures can be saved to an album, and recorded pictures can be edited with ease.
Pictures can be saved in different groups within an album, which makes it easier to
playback the picture you want.
Stamps can be applied to pictures, and decorations or makeup effects applied to brighten
up people's faces or expressions, which makes it easy to keep your favourite pictures in
stunning quality.
• A new copy of pictures saved in albums or that have been edited will be created, so check that
there is sufficient space on the built-in memory or card.
Touch [
] on the playback screen.
Touch the icon.
Description of settings
[My Photo Album]
Pictures you want to keep can be registered in specific
[Beauty Retouch]
You can change the impression made by faces by
adjusting the clearness and shine of the skin using
[Aesthetic Retouch] and adjusting lip colour and skin
tone using [Make Up Retouch].
[Art Retouch]
You can modify the saturation or brightness of the
Apply your favourite stamps to recorded pictures,
including hearts and stars.