8. Sensor
Using the compass
Applicable modes:
16 bearings are displayed based on the direction the lens of the camera is pointing in.
• The coloured portion of the needle points north.
• It may not measure correctly when you measure with this unit
upside down.
• The camera uses its magnetic compass to measure bearings. As a result, there is a difference
in angle (declination) between magnetic north, the north that the camera points to, and true
north, the exact north on Earth.
• The bearing measurement value may be affected in locations with weak geomagnetism.
• It may not measure accurately if close to the following objects:
– Permanent magnets (metals in magnetic necklaces, etc.)/metallic objects (steel desks,
lockers, etc.)/high-voltage lines or overhead wires/household appliances (TVs, PCs, mobile
phones, speakers, etc.)
• It may not measure accurately in the following locations:
– Inside cars/trains/ships/airplanes/rooms (when the steel beams are magnetised)