Connect to LAN
Use a dedicated LP-ABR series LAN cable to connect. Auto-negotiation function
which can automatically configure both communication speed (1Gbps, 100Mbps,
10Mbps) and communication mode (Full Duplex, Half Duplex) is mounted on the
cable. Therefore, configure the LAN setting (communication speed and
communucation mode) of your computer to auto-setting at a one-to-one
communication through a crossover cable.
Manage Commnunication Status
The LP-ABR series supports 4 types of communication method:
TCP server communication (for all commands)
TCP client communication (for reading result transmission)
TCP client communication (for image data transmission)
UDP communicatoin (for administration)
[TCP/IP connection]
The reader works as a TCP/IP server whose port number can be set to any value.
Only one client can be connected at a time.
The reader will disconnect in the following situations:
Receive close request from the client
Detect transmission error
In the following cases, the reader cannot detect disconnect state:
A UTP cable was removed before the client sent close request.
The client aborted the system without sending close request.
To recover the connection, send the command
“discon” through RS232C
interface for forced termination, and then retry the connection.