Panasonic KX-T2740 - Easa-phone Integrated Telephone Mini-Cassette Answering... Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание KX-T2740 - Easa-phone Integrated Telephone Mini-Cassette Answering...

Страница 1: ... use La Referenoa rdpida en espaaol puede enconlrarseen las pagrnas64 70 SpanrshQuick Referencecan be found on pages 64 70 2 LINE INTEGRATED TELEPHONE ANSWERING SYSTEM E A S A P H O N E MODELNO KX T2740 w apH AUTO IOBilG ...

Страница 2: ...ulo serecrron conference car separare oGM s scparare rrncrcr swrrchcs and f VoiceSynthesizedAnnouncements a i lt JilJiav voicer rmorc menu number of ca s ancilime dav sramponeachrcM nJh33 Jfl Il r me cal durarron cal counrer lor eachirne tinesereoron ocM I New MessageTransfer Ietsyourecordan nlro iuctory rransrer message automarrcary rransfers you rcorrrnq messages afleryourownlransfer messar c to...

Страница 3: ...sor conlererccc lls I One Touch Speed Dialing wlllr20 ore loLralr a r OfiLrllOrs anO 10 speed ciralrnq mgrn6rtSlalions I Predialed Number Display allowsyou lo conlrrma telcrphone nLrmberLrelore d aInq rt Quick ReferenceCard ior remoteoperalroncan be louncjon page 72 Detach lhis Card lrom th OperatrngInslructrons and carry ri iviih you for your convenrence and i I I I S l I t W I I L I 3 i _ ...

Страница 4: ...Cbntents D ii 1 l i ...

Страница 5: ...deandPresetLineSelection Mode ij gt 0r Centraloffice Line CO L MakinqCalls AutJmatic Selection Mode MakingCallsUsingthe Speakerpnone HoldOperation stoinsPnon Numbers l r lp 9 Di1 19 ii t i pnl Numbers for one Touch Dialing CorrectinganErrorwntte roringandErasingStoredNumber 1 B 19 20 2 0 j 21 22 ZJ 24 t q 29 30 31 32 32 PredialFunction Redialing Automatic Dialing One Touch Dialing SpeedDialing Oth...

Страница 6: ...LrQnIgntS cont A B lh MY General V ...

Страница 7: ...e RecordedMessages Recordinga MessageMemo Recordinga 2 way Conversation 2way Recording Erasingthe RecordedMessages Screenng Calls How to Operatefroma RemotePhone IransferOG tl TransferIncomingMessages J I 38 39 41 42 4J 43 44 53 60 o l 62 64 7 1 73 74 75 76 LiquroCryslar U spray Announcementsby the Unit Troubleshoorr q Ou oe r I i ererencta faotoaI Wall Mounl ng Maintenance Accessory Order Informa...

Страница 8: ...s andJacks t _ S p 9 cessones A C a d a p t o r O n e P3 f t l T w 4 wrredtelephone linecord wrthcleargreenplugs One 2 wiredtelephone linecord w r th t ransparent plugs One P 1 A H a n d s e t c o r d O n e P 4 W ffi ffim ...

Страница 9: ...ferOGM CDANS SYSTEMONiOFF Button ANSWET SYSIEM ON OFF DPOWER FAILURELINEselector Thisswitchservesto selectthe lineto be used whena power lailureoccurs DLINE MODEselector Normalythe linemodeselectoris set to A set it to B whenyourunitis connectedto a PBX QlTelephone Jack L1 or L1 L2 I O3iTelephone Jack L2 Seeoage 3 5 4rDC Jack o5 OGM PLAY Button lt is used to play the OGM QSICM ERASEButton lt is us...

Страница 10: ...M betoreconnecting theAC adaptor 1 Insert thecassette tapes Remove the stopperof the microcassettetape Openthecassette panel lnsertthe microcassettetapeswiththe fullreetto theleft 2 Connect the AC adaptorand Handset Powerouilet AC120V 60Hz Holder Fasten the cord to the holder AC adaptor KX A1 1 ...

Страница 11: ...seltheOGMtape I USEONLy panasonic AC ADAPTOR KX AI1 lf a powerfailuretakesplace the unitcan be usedas a typical telephone 4 Connect thetelephone linecord To connectto a two linetelephonejack 4 wired teleohonelinecord with CLEAR GREEN plugs telephone 4C t ail Two line iack RJ1 ...

Страница 12: ...r Ll to oN and coL ror L2 To connectto two single_line telephonejacks lote Whenusingthisconnectjon youcanuseonlyLINE 2 linetelephone features arenolavarlable LINE 2 Single line telephone jack RJ11 C LINE1 Single line telephone jack RJttC t t wired tetephone linecord withCLEARGREENptugs 2 wiredtelephone linecord withTRANSpARENT ptugs ...

Страница 13: ...ra start Select oneamong1 2 and3 F r Press1 Lowintensity Press2 Middte intensity Press 3 High intensity Pressthe PROGRAM button MemoryCard Usea pencil or a ball point pento fillin the stationdirectory withstationname you can usethereverse sideforwriting too oRemove thecoverusingan instrument witha pointed end likea pen ...

Страница 14: ... Initial Settings Thesesettings onlyhaveto be madethelirsttimeyouusetheunil andnotevervtime w 8x N8 0 l PlacetheSpeedDialer NameCardontotheunit oWritestation namesforspeeddialing ...

Страница 15: ...serves to select thelineto be usedwhena power tailure occurs See page 36 4 R NGEB LNE1 LI f 2 oFF HIGHOFF Htctl LOW LOW SettheRinger Volume Selector to HIGH HIGH Theringsoundwillbe high LOW Theringsoundwillbe low OFF Thetelephone willnotring 5 DIALING MODE PULS T IONE Setthe DIALING MODEselector to TONE lf dialingcannot be done set to PULSE 6 SettheVOLUME It is usedto setthe desiredvolumelevel VOL...

Страница 16: ...l make an announcement 6 7 To ConlirmtheTimeandDav 1 PresstheTIME DAY CHECKbutton oThe unit will announcethe time and day oAM 12 00flasheson the LCD while the clock is not set I In case of a power lailurefor more lhan 30 minutes the programmed time should be confirmed again I The accuracyof the clock will be approximately 45 seconds a month al room lemperature n ...

Страница 17: ...nleredtime E s 0 1 q 5 lf you madea mistake entering numbers press 0 7 4 5 x t Pressit to setAMor PM PM and AM arechangedalternately eachtimeyou press x button t 1l Press to adjust theday Eachtimeyoupressthe S button thedaywillbe announced Keeppressing lhisbutton untilthedesiredday is announced PresstheAUTO STORE button A beepis heardandtheunitannounces thetimeand day Press thePROGRAM button ...

Страница 18: ...iilshow Press thenpress 1 forcpc settingr A willbe disptayed Press 1 or 2 Press 1 formode A TheDisptay ff Press 2 for mode 8 TheDisptay Pressthe AUTO STORE button TheDisplaywillshow Pressthe PROGRAM button Theregular displayshowing thetimeandthenumberof callson eachlinewillbe shown Thedisplaynormally showsthetimeandthe numberof Callsreceivedon eachline j j I E i d f i rhe handseris on rhe cradle t...

Страница 19: ...STORE button TheDisplay willshow er r thePROGRAM button 2 rings is the initial setting whentheunitis shipped Function of theAUTOsetting TOLL SAVER Whenyou callthe unitfroman outsidephone the numbero ringsthat it takesfortheunitto answerlellsyou i thereare anynewmessages lf theunitanswers on the2nd ring Thereisal leastonenewmessage lf theunitanswers on the4thring There areno newmessages Hangup imme...

Страница 20: ...previouslystoredremotecode numDer Press thecodenumber youwant TheDisplay willshowtheenterednumber Youcansetand remember yourown remotecodenumber Choose yourcodenumberamongthe number0 999 Press theAUTO STORE button TheDisplay willshow Press thePROGRAM button owe recommend thatyoudo not use seven 7 eight B and zero 0 as a remotecode number sincethesenumbersarethe commandnumbers lor ianceiling tn nn ...

Страница 21: ...Display i limited 2 VOX TheDisplay UL unlimited 3 Announce only TheDisplay 80 PresstheAUTO STORE button TheDisplay willshow eress thePROGRAM button TheCaller s Recording Timecanbe setto 1 Minute VOX or Announce only VOX UL Unlimited position therecording of theincoming message willlastas longas the otnerpartycontinues to speak 1 MlN L Limited position it allowsthe callerto recordfor 1 minute ANNOU...

Страница 22: closeduntilnineo clock in the morning Please leavea message withyournameand telephone number alterthebeep and we will returnyourcallas soonas possible Thankyou WhenRecording Timeis setto 1 MlN see pase 14 Example Hello thisis Dicksmith l moutnow but if you leavea message afterthebeepl ll callyouback Youhaveoneminute forrecording Thankyou WhenRecording Timeis setto Announce only see page 14 Exam...

Страница 23: ...elected EZEi N t n n n f t i U U U u _EilEF E Ctrg Press theOGMRECbutton AftertheOGM1 or OGM2 of theDisplay tights release it NowOGM1 is selected Hello this is Alice Im out q now _F a 4 Begin speaking atonce Afterthelongbeep speakclearlyand loudly Hold your mouth about 8 inches from the Microphone Mrc TheDisplav willshowthecounttime l M f a u _U u orf Press theOGMRECbutton againwhenyou finished re...

Страница 24: ...ding incomingcalls Pressthe OGMPlayil youwantto finishtheoperation halfway NOTE aThe unitwillautomatically changeto the answermodein 7 secondsaftercompleting lhe OGM recordingor playingback At thistimethe Answerindicalorlightsand lhen announces the dav andtimes oWhen you usetheothersideof the greeting outgoing message tape pleaserecordthe greeting message again Answermode Whena call is received th...

Страница 25: ...Line1 willbe selected Also if morethanone callis arriving Linet hasthepriority oExample Line2 is in use Lifting thehandset connects youto Line1 button evenif thatlineis busy To programthe LineSelection 1 Pressthe PROGRAM button TheDisolavwillshow E tr I E In this mode the presetline will be selectedwhen you liJtthe handsetor press the SP PHONE Press f thenpress 6 sl lf p 1 To selectthe LlNE Press ...

Страница 26: ...ineto L1 OR L1 L2 and theother lineto L2 Programallthe C O L forL1 and L2 to ON I Whenusedas a singlelinetelephone Connect to L1OR Ll 12 Program theC O L forL1 to ON andtheC O L forL2 to OFF 1 2 PressthePROGRAM button Press thenpress 5 Select thelineby pressing 1 forLl 2 for L2 on thedialkeypad 2 l l o r 2 Select the ON or OFF by pressing 1 for ON or 2 torOFF 5 6 7 PresstheAUTO STORE button Repeat...

Страница 27: ...linewillbe selectedwhenyou liltthehandsetor press SP PHONE button Liftthe handset 1 2 t a 1 Dialthe telephonenumber TheDisplaywillshowthetelephone number K Speakto the The Displaywill thatyouspeak otherparty show presenttime and the lengthof time nnup when finished Press the SP PHONE button Thespeakerphone indicator lights f or rthe phone number 20 ...

Страница 28: ...r speaklouder oAbsorbingecho Usethespeakerphone in a roomwhichhascurtains or carpeting oAvoidinglostor brokenconversation lf you and thecallerspeakat the sametime partsof yourconversation willbe lost To avoidthis speakalternatelv r tar lll r II t b tn Ir Thepresetlinewillbe selected whenyou li tthehandset or pressthe SP PHONE bulton _ _ Youmaypressthelinebuttoninstead of pressing the SP PHONE butt...

Страница 29: ...eton the cradlebeforepressingthe SP PHONE button theconversatron willbeterminated olf power failuretakes place hands free operationwill not functlon olf the Mute indicatorlightswhen speaking press the Ttl Outton Liftthe handsetand speakto the callingparty The Displav will showthe present timeand the lengthof yourconversation or Pressthe SP PHONE buttonthenspeakto the callingparty Thespeakerphone i...

Страница 30: ...gor redialing Afterconfirming the numberthatyouwantto dial presslhe SP PHONE button liftthe handset or pressthelinebutton Speakto the otherparty TheDisplaywillshowpresenttimeandthe lengthof time thatyouspeak HanO upwhenfinished I Cancellingthe predial Pressthe PREDIAL buttonagain To clearthedialednumberinthemiddleofa predialoperation presstheMUTE bunon I i il I t l d ...

Страница 31: ...le forthis function I Whenusingthe speakerphone operation Aulomatic Redialing TheREDIAL buttonenablesyouto redialup to 15timeswithina 1O minute period I The redialoperationmay be cancelledas Jollows By pressing theFLASHbutton By pressing theSP PHONE button onthenoff Lineis free c irii ir g The lineyou have selecled Callon hold wn n noin i personusesa telephone on the sameline or when theTelephone ...

Страница 32: ...1 indicator willflashqreen Line1 is nowon hold Youmay hangup the handser Thelinewillnotbe disconnecteo Call is on hold L NE 1 I lf the handset is off hook I lf the 1 Liftthehandset PresstheLINE1 button Starttalking Pressthe LINE1 button handsetis on the cradle SP PHONE ON ...

Страница 33: ...eleohone Example LINE 1 L NE 2 1 Callin progress A newcallcomes in Press theHOLDbutton LINE1 is nowon hold s Press theLINE2 a newcall buttonand makeor receive When thecaltisiinished on LINE2 Press the LINE1 button Thenewcallon line2 is terminated and youarereturned lo Iine 1 Toterminate thecall hangup ...

Страница 34: ...allis in progress LINE2 Pressthe HOLDbutton LINE2 is nowon hold LINE1 is stillon hold 1 Press theLINE1 button LINE1 is returned intotheconversatlon LINE2 is stillon hold Example Callison ho d Newcallis in progress LINE1 LINE 2 Pressthe LINE1 buttonand sPeak to the partyon LINE1 LINE2 is terminated j 4 s d 4 27 ...

Страница 35: ...ercallis stillon hold I To establish a conference call on hold PressHOLDbutton both linewillbe on hold PressCONFbutton the conference willbe resumed Conference is resumed During a speakerphone conversation on oneline Whenyoureceivea callon theotherline youputthefirstlineon holdto answerthesecondline call Then if youwantto starta Conference modeconversation by threeparties youfirstpick up the hands...

Страница 36: ...onnected Pressthe PROGRAM button TheDisplay willshow 1 G 0 Pressthestation number 0to 9 TheDisplay willshow G Enterthetelephone number Theenteredtelephone numberis displayed on the LCD ThenpresstheAUTO STORE button To storethe phonenumberin succession repeatlrom step 2 t o 3 TheDisplaywillshow i J d Afterstoring allthenumbers PressthePROGRAM button Thedisplayshowsthe present timeand the numberof c...

Страница 37: connected PressthePROGRAM button TheDisplay willshow Pressthe directcall stationbutton TheDisplay willshow Enterthe telephonenumber Theentered telephone number is displaved on theLCD I ThenpresstheAUTO STORE button Tostorethephonenumber in succession reDeat tromsleo 2 1 o 4 The Displaywill show G Afterstoring allthe numbers pressthe PROGRAM button Thedisplayshowsthe presenttimeandthenumberof ca...

Страница 38: ...erin memory station 2 PressthePROGRAM button TheDisplav willshow 2 Press 2 Station numberto be erased TheDisplay willshow g PresstheAUTO STORE button The DisPlaYwill show PressthePROGRAM button YoUmayalsoerasethestorednumbero thedirectca buttonsimi ar y Pressthedirectcallbuttonthatyou wanlto eraseinstead of 2 in the aboveprocedure o IncasetheAC adaptor is unplugged formorethan30 minutes confirmeda...

Страница 39: ...youwantlo dial is stored Pressthe LOWERbuttonfirstfordialingthenumbersloredin thelowermemorystation ll you pressthe LOWER buttonby mistake whenyouwantto usethe upperstataon you pressLowerbuttonagarn Liftthe handset or Press the Sp pHONE button Press theAUTO STORE button Pressthestation number thatyouwantto call stored 0 to 9 ...

Страница 40: ...thePROGRAM button The DisPlaY will show 4l Pressthestation button thenpress t HyPHEN srSt r f I l l 2 l l o 3 1 D D rqi GI qF9 SECREI n aT stut Thedisplaywillshow l l t L l 5 1 1 l H y p H E N lf a hypenis not required do not Pressthe fl buttonat step2 ThedisPlaY willshow el e55 l Fr tt thePROGRAM button Pressing theHYPHEN button onc e L 1 i il in secnrr button once counts as1digrt i n fr a ri ...

Страница 41: ... thestation number Toslorea phonenumber simplypressthedirectcallbutton instead of thestation number on the aboveprocedure ThePAUSE button Junction is neededfora lineaccesstone ThePAUSE button rndraling operation is usedwhenaccessrng anoutsrde lrneor a computer accessed lonodistance service tYhen youpretsthePAUSE button youcandialthephonenumber without waiting fortheline access tone I Onepauseis re...

Страница 42: ...elepnone company I _ Whilehavinga conversation anolherpartycallsand a toneis heard T Pressthe FLASHbuttonlightly Thefirstconversation is placedon holdandthesecondcall canbe answered SWITCH SimplypresstheFLASH button lightly in a dialoperation FLASH canbe sloredinto memorythe sameway as storingthe PhoneNumbers on pages29 and30 TheMUTEbuttonis usedwhenyoudo notwantyourvoiceor conversation to be hear...

Страница 43: ...r theselector is setto A or not lf it is setto 8 switchto A I Selecttheproperposition on eachilne Duringa PowerFailure Duringa powerfailure thisunitis usedas 1 inetelephone Selecttherinewhichyouwantto useby usingthe pl L raiture rineserectswitchrocareo at thebackol theunit PowerFailuie LrneSelector 1 _1 y it wiil ringontyon the tinethat you havesetectedby usrngthe lineselectswitch lf a callcomesin...

Страница 44: ...hetape fn nru SWin indicator lightsand the unitwillbe readyfor recording incomingcalls PlavbackthetaPe frilnltest the PLAYBACI PAUSE button theendofthemessage youwantto save pause mode at Pre the PLAYBACI PAUSE buttonand the REWbutton simultaneouslY ThelN USFrndicator lightgoesout TheANSWER indicatorlighls I whenyouwantto inlorm v9 ogy 11 i fi thecaller s messases settne r wnen you wdrrt jnnnoun o...

Страница 45: ...transmitted to theselected caller s line Topickuo call on bothlines settheswitch to AUlO 1 SettheLINE OGM MODEsetector To transmit the OGMI or2 to thecailerLine1 or2 selectL1 OGMIiL2 OGM2 Whenyouserto SELECT theOGMSELECT button decides theOGM t or 2 to betransmitted PresstheOGMSELECT button Theunitwillannounce theselecteci OGM One or Two andDisplay willshowyourselection Theselected OGMwillbetransm...

Страница 46: ... E il fll 1 Press theNEWMESSAGE button Thenumber ol Newmessages received willbe announced andshown ontheDisPlaY lr nu 0 of playing back TheEndof finalmessage will be announced t oBy pressingagainNEWMESSAGE buttonduringthe playbackof New Messages NewMessages canOeptayeO backagainfromthebeginning i AUTO LOGIC One Touch Operattonl Arthetouch ottnepLnven c in udeuruonorNewlvlessage button theunitwilla...

Страница 47: ... p r e w i n d i n g o r f a s t f o r w a r d i _ button The unjtwrllplay back tn tJpu fr rn in p r you press the button WhenthemeSsageSarereceiVed asynthesizedvolceannouncementofthe ffi i 1 9 o afrer rhe o J J s JJ tln u Time Day stampi i ffi recorded messases settimeanddav Pressthe REWbutton io rewrndthe tape The lN USE indicatorlights PressthePLAYBACIVPAUSE Outton afler the lN USE indrcalorlrg...

Страница 48: ...essMEMO 2WAY untila beep is heard The number of messages on the Displaywill increasebv one SpeakintotheMlC The lN USE indicatorltghts Speak from a distance of about B inches away lrom the microphone Whenyoufinish recordlng pressMEMO 2WAY again ThelN USEindicator lightgoesout Newmessages willbe automatically recorded afteryour message memo ihe countol MEMOrecording willbe addedon LINE1 _ G J sj j s...

Страница 49: ...shows youtherecordrng lrne LCDshowsLINEI flashingwnenZ ay recording is Inprogress rnLINEj LC D shows LINE2 flashing when2_wayrecordingis rn progress in LINE 2 tnerecorded number of messages on theDisplay will rncrease by one ThelN USEindrcalor lrohts theANSWTR rndrcator lrghts When you linish recordjng presstheMEMO 2WAy button ThetNUSEindicator qoesoul lhe ANSWER rndrcatoi wrllflashto showthatyour...

Страница 50: ...ow Caution Thecassettecan be erasedevenif the record prevention tabs havebeenremoved a taD i l j 1 I j c 6 j n Screening Calls d n n o u E E t e 0 c Youcan listento incomingmessages as theyare berngrecordeo lf vcu liftup thehandset to talktolhe callerduringrecording recording willstopat once Adjustthe volumecontrol Thecentral position isusually best To talkto thecaller duringrecording Liftupthehan...

Страница 51: ...o operateyourunitfroma remotelocation usinga lonelelephone Without any manuals you can easilyaccessremole operations suchas Memory playback Marker Message etc Tooperate theunitdirectly skipping theorderof the VoiceMenu Seepages 47 52 Callyourunit 1 2 a d h Press yourcodenumber during theOGMplayback Thevoicewilltellyouhowmanymessages youhave recetved Befer to REMOTE CODESETTING on page13 E tr After...

Страница 52: ...r function Pleasepush 1 for Memory Playback Please push2 for another function Please push 1 for Marker Message Pleasepush 2 for another function Please push 1 for Resel Please push2 for another function Pleasepush 1for Room Monitor Pleasepush 2 for anotherfunction Please push 1 for RecordingOGM Please push2 for another function I 5 secondsafteryou haveusedeach function the unitwillrepeatVoice Inst...

Страница 53: ...GM1 Pleasepush8 to start recording OGM2 Pleasepush9 to end 1 Press 7 oShortbeepswill be heard continuously untilthe OGMtape has resetandthena longbeepwillbe heard 2 Speakclearlyand loudlyafterthe long beep 3 Whenfinished push 9 oThe newOGMwill be playedback Soyoucan checkor amendit olf youpausefor over2 seconds whilerecording theunitwillsound6 beepsand announce Please record yourOutgoing Message a...

Страница 54: ... PressyourCodeNumber duringtheOGM 1 Press 4 rightafteryou hearthe synthesized voicetellingthe number of the recorded messages Theunitwillplayback thenewmessages Evenduringthe playbackof previously heardmessages you can skipthemby pressing 4 B I once the recorded messages are playedback theywon rbe playedbackby MEMoRy PLAYBACK procedures Onlyunheardmessages willbe playedbackusingthisfeature To make...

Страница 55: ... thevoicewillsay please push1 for Backspace 2 forSkip 3 for Reset Press 1 or 2 Thetapewillrewind or skipforward forthespacecorresoondino ro approximately 15secondsin playing back Press 3 Theunitwillrewind thetapeto thebeginnrng l le ord new IncomingMessages fromthebeginning o thetape afterthe recordedmessages navebeenplayedbackor whiletheyarebeingplayed Press 3 Reset willbeannounced andtheunitwill...

Страница 56: ... of theICMtape Press 2 afterbeeo is heard Skip willbe announced andtheunitwilladvancetheICMtape to the end of the recordedmessages then hang up ou can monitor soundsin theroomwheretheunitis installed Callyourunit Thenpressyourcodenumber duringOGM Press 5 rightafteryou hearthesynthesized voicetellingthe numberof the recoroeo messages BoomMonitor willbe heard Youcan listen or30 seconds To listenfurt...

Страница 57: ...eakclearlyand loudly afteryou hearthelongbeep Whentherecording is finished Press 9 ThenewOGMwill be playedback so thatit can be checkedor amendedif necessary F ts F I E E E I lf you pausefor over2 secondswhilerecording youwillheara seriesof warningtones 6 oeeps and the announcement of Please recordyouroutgoingmessage again tf thishappens repeat fromstep2 within 5 seconds of hearing theseannounced ...

Страница 58: ...unced Theunitwillplayback OGM2 OGM2 hasnowbeen selected ffi Press 7 insteadof 8 at step2 of From OGM 1 to OGM2 pippo1 willbe announced TheunitwillplavbackOGM1 OGMt hasnowbeenselected lf you or thecallerdoesnotwantto hearthe OutgoingMessage lhe unitcan be switched promptly to theIncoming Message mode Callyourunit then Press f duringtheOGM i 4 a N tr 3 tr Afteryou hearthe longbeep speakclearly andlo...

Страница 59: and the unitwillanswerincoming calls 2 OGMwillbe heard 3 Youmayhangup at thistime 4 Theunitwillbe readyfor recordingincoming calls fi d h Dialyourtelephone number Pressyourcodenumber duringtheOGM I Press 0 rightafteryouhearthesynthesized voicetellingthe numbef of the recordedmessages Turn ofl willbe heard Theunitwillnotpick up anycalls ...

Страница 60: ...erthe beep aboutB inches awayfromthemtcrophone MlC Whenyoufinishrecording presstheOGM RECbutton again Theunitwillrewindthetape to the beginning and willbe readyto recordincoming calls sevensecondsatterthe tape rewinding at theend of a recording aGMl ancuor oGt 1 dre positioned at thestarting pointto be readyto answer incominq calls 1 2 PresstheTRANSFER OGM ORANSFER will flash on Displayduring rewi...

Страница 61: ...s Afterthecall hasbeenanswered it willrepeatyourrecordedtransfer OGMlor about1 i 2 minutes lf thereis noanswer or nocodehasbeenentered theunitwilldisconnecl thecallandwillreDeat the aboveprocessonelasttime Message transfer should notbe confused with CALLFORWARDING a service provided bv your localtelephone company Press Storing the Phone Number I PressthePROGRAM button I TheDisplay willshow Pressth...

Страница 62: ...ansferoGMw illno tp a yandth eUn itwillnot redial Storing EXAMPLE 1 theBeeper s Pager s PhoneNumber PressthePROGRAM button The DisPlaYwill show Pressthe LOWERbutton The DisPlaYwill show ThenpresstheTRANSFER button i i a l xE 1 F j r 1 x a g 7t PressthePROGRAM button t I tNote Beforeslonngyourcallbackphonenumber contactyourpagercompanyregardingproper Dause lime q q ...

Страница 63: ...oesoul Eachtimean Incoming Message is recorded theunitwillautomatically d h ffi whichtheIncoming Message ii to be transteiruJ I Youwiilpickup thetetephone atthe I transferred number called fromyourunit PressyourCodeNumber duringTransfer OGM olf whilehavinga conversation on Line1 an Incoming messagersrecordedon Line2 the message wtllnotbe lransferred untilLine1 is idle Transfer feature is onlypossi...

Страница 64: ...edvoicetellingyou the numberof the recorded messages 2 Press 1 lf a phonenumberis not storedintothetransfer memory station 6 beepswill be heard Thenstorethephonenumoer Refer to page59 o Cancel 2a I E Aftercallingyourunitand pressingtheCodeNumber 1 Press x right afterthe synthesized voicetellingyou thenumberof the recordedmessages 2 Press 2 9 r t t_t i _q iffi H f i r i j ri i 1 i 57 ...

Страница 65: ...thenumbercan be programmed froma remotephone I Callyourunitand presstheCodeNumber duringOGM l T Pressimmediately afteryou hearthesynthesized voicetellingyou the numberof recorded messages the unitat home 2 I For 3 lnitialSetting tr E Enter thephonenumber E T E FinalSetting 5B ...

Страница 66: ...ake Onebeep Twobeeps Theentryis different fromtheone thatwas previously stored Repeat fromstep1 of theprogramming procedure Theentryisthesameaswhatwaspreviouslv stored Within 5 seconds afterstorage press x and 1 in sequence NOTE a ln someareas a remote tonephonemaynotfunction dueto telephone lineconditions suchas linenoise echo etc aThe unitmaynotrespond if a touchtonetelephone produces tonesthata...

Страница 67: ...ngthe redialfeature LINEI indicates thattheLINE1 is readyfor answering ENET LINE2 indicates thattheLINE2 is readylor answering ordfil OGM 1 indicates thattheOGM 1 is selected OGM2 indicates thattheOGM2 is selected TRANSFER indicates thattheTransfer is setON Whenyouusethe PREDIAL feature t 8 0 8 8 6 n Whenlhe playbackor recording o OGM is underway theOGM counter ontheLCDliohts uo E Error o ll the O...

Страница 68: ... messages arerecorded oWhenyoupresstheplayback button or NewMessaqe Button oWhenyoupressyourCodeNo ona remolephone Endof thefinalmessage Whenalltherecorded messages havebeenplayedback Endof tape When the cassetletape rs tull PleaserecordyourOutgoing Messageagain Whenyoupaused forover2 seconds whilerecording yourOGM Thankyouforcalling aWhen youfinished recording a marker message froma remote ooerat...

Страница 69: ...and loudly anddo notpauseforover2 seconds whilerecording Whenthe cassette tapeis playedback the I oCleanthe Heads SeeMaintenance soundlevelis low evenif theVOLUME control rs I instruction on page73 turnedup fully I haveplayedbackalltherecordedmessages I await for 7 seconds Theunitwill be ready and I wantto recordthenextDhonecallafterthe I to recordthenextohonecall lastpreviously recordedmessage I ...

Страница 70: ...esof replacejt by pushingas shown Pl Ojr l soundquatity anoperformance we rec three months tii l i tt r il il 1 11 1T end that voure record vour oGMevery unit answers oortl Ht months and replace thetape every y iir ilingrhar rhe o Neverplacea cassette la mayerasethetape pe neara magnetic source suchasa magnet or a TVser oecause it srack in thetapecan be tightened by rotating thetapereerwitha penci...

Страница 71: ...ltwith your telephonecompanyor installerlo have one Unplugthe handsetcordfromthe unit Turnaroundthe handsethook Removethe wallmountadaptorfrom the bottomof the unit Insertthe telephone cordas shown Reptace rhewail mount adaptor asshown Mountthe uniteyeletsas shown T po_r about I ll ll I 7 rnchesl ll jf I about I ll L4inches Stud 7 1 ...

Страница 72: ...r l l r c l LIJ LIJ I6J I liemory Ptaytnck ll Room Mortd l l r c l l r w l l w r r l L l l l 8 l l e l _ _ r I ocu r nec ll ooirl z nec l ocM sropl ti lFl t l r IOGM Siip Turn OtfI aWhen youpress a bulton press lirmly oTheunil will enler into lheVoice Menu mode ifyou don l press a button ForRoomMonitor press l During ICM played back o ForBack Space press fl o ForSkipFonrrard press o ForICMTape Res...

Страница 73: ...mblies as such bjectscould magnetize the heads ronotoil any partof theunit RE ECORDIilG IHEOGT PressZ lo rerffid OGM1 o Fess Et to r r cordOGM2 Sp k alterIhelorEbe p Do rcl paus tq over2 se6 ntEn finished pressg cfiAt Ghtc ll Eocl Iq E rmoCM1lo2 5sE tlcnts euflt announc s two xnOGM 2 to1 ssg then A eunitannounces on Iheunitwilldaybacfhe ocM g q TosettheAnswer mode re rnobly lor15rings Theunilwilla...

Страница 74: ...eratures lessthan41 F 5 C or greaterthan 104F 40 C Placement 1 Foreign Material Careshouldbe takenso thatobjectsdo notfall intoand liquidsare notspilledintothe unit Do notsubjectthis unitto excessive smoke dust mechanical vibration or shock 2 Magnentism Theunitshouldbe situated awayfromequipmentor devicesthat generate a strongmagneticfield 3 Stacking Do notplaceheavyobjectson topof thisunit or use...

Страница 75: ... procedures set out in FCCRulesand Regulations Subpart E of Part68 TheTelephone Companymay makechanges in itscommunications facilities equipment operations or procedures wheresuchaction is reasonably requiredin theoperationof its business and is notinconsislent withthe rules and regulations in FCCPart68 lf suchchangescan be reasonably expected to renderanycustomer terminalequipmenl incompatible wi...
