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TMC Traffi c Receiver




Installation Instructions

 Please read these instructions carefully before using this product and 

keep this manual for future reference.

  Read  the  “Safety  information”  presented  in  this  manual  before 

mounting or connecting this product.

  The guarantee for this product is based on the guarantee of the device it is 

connected to. 




TMC Traffi c receiver


FM antenna


Velcro Tape (YGFX9996605)


Installation Instructions 



  The number in parentheses is the part number for maintenance and service. 

  Accessories and their parts numbers are subject to modifi cation without prior notice due to improvements.


Compatible Model:  CN-GP50N

(As of September 2007)

Safety information


Observe the following warnings when using this unit.

  The driver should neither watch the display nor operate the system while driving.

   Watching the display or operating the system will distract the driver from looking ahead of the vehicle and can 

cause accidents. Always stop the vehicle in a safe location and use the parking brake before watching the display or 
operating the system. In some states and countries, passengers are also prohibited from watching the display.

  Follow actual traffi c regulations while driving.

   Even while following route guidance, always obey road signs and abide all traffi c laws. Failure to do so could 

cause an accident or injury.

  Do not disassemble or modify the unit.

   Do not disassemble, modify the unit or attempt to repair the unit yourself. If the product needs to be repaired, 

consult your dealer or authorized Panasonic service centre.

 Do not use the unit when it is out of order.

   If the unit is out of order or in an abnormal state (has foreign objects in it, is exposed to water, is smoking, or smells), 

turn it off immediately and consult your dealer or authorized Panasonic service centre.

Observe the following warnings when installing the product.

  Never use safety-related components of the vehicle for installation, wiring, and other such 


   Do not use safety-related vehicle components (fuel tank, brake, suspension, steering wheel, pedals, airbag, etc.) 

for wiring or fi xing the unit or accessories of this product. 

   Installing the product on the airbag cover or in a location where it interferes with airbag 

operation is prohibited.

  Check for piping, gasoline tank, electric wiring, and other items before installing the product.

   If you need to open a hole in the vehicle chassis to attach or wire the product, first check where the wire 

harness, gasoline tank, and electric wiring are located.

  Never install the product in a location where it interferes with your fi eld of vision.

  Read the operating instructions for the unit and all other components carefully before using the system. They contain 

instructions about how to use the system in a safe and effective manner. Panasonic assumes no responsibility for any 
problems resulting from failure to observe the instructions given in the manuals.

  Panasonic assumes no responsibility for any problems resulting from failure to observe the precautions given in this 

manual. Handling of the system in a manner that is, for example, incorrect or exceeds the bounds of common sense is 
not covered by the warranty. Use the system correctly in accordance with the manuals. 

  The manuals uses pictographs to show you how to use the product safely and to alert you to potential dangers resulting 

from improper connections and operations. The meanings of the pictographs are explained below. It is important that you 
fully understand the meanings of the pictographs in order to use the manuals and the system properly.

This pictograph alerts you to the 
presence of important operating 
instructions. Failure to heed the 
instructions may result in severe 
injury or death.


This pictograph alerts you to the 
presence of important operating 
instructions. Failure to heed the 
instructions may result in injury 
or property damage.



Observe the following warnings when installing the product.

  Make sure the wires do not interfere with driving or getting in and out of the vehicle.

  To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or annoying interference, use only the included 


   Do not install the unit in a location which obstructs driving, visibility or which is prohibited by applicable 

laws and regulations. 

   If the unit is installed in a location which obstructs forward visibility or operation of the airbag or other safety 

equipment or which interferes with operation of the car, it may cause an accident. 

    Never use bolts or nuts from the car’s safety devices for installation. If bolts or nuts from the steering 

wheel, brakes or other safety devices are used for installation of the unit, it may cause an accident.

    Attach the wires correctly. If the wiring is not correctly performed, it may cause a fire or an accident. 

In particular, be sure to run and secure the lead wire so that it does not get tangled with a screw or the 
moving portion of a seat rail.


Observe the following cautions when using this unit.

  Do not use the product where it will be exposed to water, moisture, or dust.

   Exposure of the unit to water, moisture, or dust may lead to smoke, fi re, or other damage to the product. Make 

especially sure that the product does not get wet in car washes or on rainy days.

   Do not expose to strong impact.

   Impact such as dropping or hitting the unit may cause breakdown or a fi re.

Observe the following cautions when installing the product.

   Use the designated parts and tools for installation.

   Use the included or designated parts and appropriate tools to install the product. The use of parts other than 

those included or designated may result in internal damage to the unit. Faulty installation may lead to an 
accident, a malfunction or fi re.

  Do not install the product where it is exposed to strong vibrations or is unstable.

  If the installation is not stable, the unit may fall down while driving and this can lead to an accident or injury.

  Make sure that wiring is completed before installation.

  To reduce the risk of fi re or electric shock or product damage, do not expose this product to 

rain, splashing, dripping or water.

  Do not damage the cord by pinching or pulling it. Do not pull or damage the cord. If the cord is 

not treated properly, it will short out or be severed and may cause a fi re or an accident.

  Run the cords avoiding the spots where the temperature can be extremely high.




