Section 150-612-102
Revision 03
Page 2
PairGain’s HiGain-2 Remote Unit Model
HRU-612, List 2, Figure 1, is the remote end
of a single pair repeaterless T1 transmission system.
It differs from the HRU-612, List 1 in the
implementation of the SAIS, DIS(abled) option and in
its ability to be locally powered. When used in
conjunction with a HiGain-2 Line Unit HLU-611 the
system provides 1.544 Mb/s transmission on one
unconditioned copper pair over the cable ranges
shown in Table 1. The HiGain-2 system utilizes
2B1Q VHDSL (Very High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber
Line) transmission technology. HiGain-2 complies
with the ANSI T1E1.4, T1.403-1989 and T1E1.4/92-
002R2 technical standards & recommendations. The
HRU-612 List 2 mounts in a single slot of any industry
standard 400 mechanics shelf or in equivalent
enclosures manufactured by PairGain Technologies.
The system also complies with TR-TSY-000063
(Network Equipment Building System (NEBS)
Generic Equipment requirements) and TR-TSY-
000499 (Transport System Generic Requirements -
TSGR) common requirements.
Revision History of this practice.
Revision 03 — January 30, 1996
a) Removed the local power and sealing
current options.
Features of the HRU-612 Issue 1 List 2
HiGain-2 Remote Unit are as follows:
ANSI T1.403 DS1 Customer Interface
VHDSL Line Powered operation - no local
power required
Front Panel DS1 and VHDSL Status
Generic & addressable repeater Loopback
activation codes.
Metallic smart-jack loopback. Conforms to
Provisioning switches for CPE current,
RCV LBO and XMT LOS initiated loopback
or AIS.
Front panel jacks for test access
RS-232 front panel terminal access for
CPE current monitor test points
Front panel VHDSL margin threshold
Lightning and power cross protection on
VHDSL and DS1 interfaces
1568 kbps/s full-duplex 2B1Q VHDSL
Transmission on 1 pair
DS0 blocking.
The primary application of the HiGain-2
System is to provide a quick and cost-
effective way of delivering T1 High Capacity Digital
Service (HCDS) to customers over a metallic cable
pair. The HiGain-2 system can be deployed on 1
unconditioned, non-loaded pair of wires without
repeaters, and without the need for either bridged tap
The general guidelines, on which the range
deployment rules in Table 1 are based,
require that the VHDSL HiGain-2 loop, which
operates at twice the line rate of standard HiGain
HDSL products, have less than 35 dB of loss at the
2B1Q line rate of 392 kHz, @ 135 ohm source and
load impedances.
The HiGain-2 system operates with any
number of other T1, POTS, Digital Data
Service (DDS) or other HiGain-2 Systems sharing the
same cable binder group. HiGain-2 systems can be
used with customers requiring DS1 service on a
temporary or permanent basis. HiGain-2 also
provides a means of quickly deploying service in
advance of fiber-optic transmission systems. Using
HiGain-2 T1 service can be connected within a few
days or even a few hours. Fiber optic systems can
be installed at a leisurely pace and cut-over from
HiGain-2 when the time allows. The HiGain-2 system
can then be easily removed and utilized elsewhere.