Section 150-612-102
Revision 03
Page 10
The TLOS initiated loopback is a logic
loopback that is equivalent to the PRE-
LOOP PASSED AIS/ENA loopback option. The
metallic loopback relay can not be closed because
the XMT port must be kept open so it can detect the
presence of the customer’s signal and terminate the
loopback state.
The HRU can be looped up (CREM) from
the HRU DS1 interface with a 6 in 7 in-band
command. The HRU itself can be looped up
(CLOC) from the HRU DS1 interface with the 5 in 7
in-band command. Both command patterns must
last for at least 5 seconds and can be framed or
unframed. The loop down command for both is the
standard 3 in 5 (five second) pattern.
Upon receipt of the equipment, visually
inspect it for signs of damage. If the
equipment has been damaged in transit,
immediately report the extent of damage to the
transportation company and to PairGain.
The HRU-612, List 2 is designed to mount in
PairGain’s HRE-421 (double width, single
mount), HRE-422 (double width, double mount),
HRE-427 (double width, 7 unit wall mount), or HRE-
420 (single width, single mount). For outdoor
applications, the HRE-423 (3 unit) and HRE-450
(single width, single mount) enclosures are
available. The HRU is also compatible with industry
standard 400 type multi-mount shelves. The HRU’s
pin-outs are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. HRU-612 Pin-outs.