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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
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commands and/or queries sent to the controller as one continuous string and is not to
be confused with Stored Programs (1-99) within the controller.
Multiple data parameter names and values must be separated by commas.
Voltage and Waveform parameter names without a channel number suffix (1,2,3) may
be used to set all 3 channels (phases) simultaneously, as an alternative to setting each
separately to the same value.
Multiple keyword messages may be sent without duplicating the first level SCPI keyword
i.e., SOURce).
e.g., :SOURce:VOLTage1,120; FREQuency,60
A keyword is a single word beginning with a colon (:).
Program Messages MUST be terminated with a LINE FEED (0Ahex, 10dec) or END (EOI)
signal. This is referred to as an end-of-string <eos>. A Carriage Return character
(0Dhex, 13dec) is converted to a LINE FEED by the power source. Further SCPI
commands shall begin with a first level keyword (i.e.,:SOURce:).
All values shown in angle brackets <> are examples of real values used with commands
but labels are sometimes used to indicate a variable which is not known until actual
time of use. e.g., <AMPS meter range> might actually be <50>.
Units such as AAC, Hz. or % shown after the angle bracketed value are not to be
included inside the value, but are shown as a reference to the units. The angle brackets
are not part of the value.
The controller data input buffer is 8k bytes, as is its data output buffer. No program
message may exceed this length.
All :SOURce: commands also support queries. An alternate method of writing or reading
the presently active :SOURce:FORM, COUPLing, VOLTage, FREQuency, and
CURRent:LIMit values is to use PROGram 0 (see examples). PROGram 0 contains the
MANUAL MODE parameters.
Sending any :SOURce: command invokes MANUAL MODE and REMOTE
Command strings may contain spaces.
The controller interface accepts IEEE-488.2 <nr1>, <nr2> and <nr3> numeric formats.
Most query responses are <nr1> or <nr2> types. i.e., <nr1>=120, <nr2>=120.0,
Follow any command (in the same Program Message) with *OPC to detect completion
of the command or termination of a Transient event. An SRQ occurs when the
command or Transient is complete (if ESB bit is set in SRE and OPC bit is set in ESE).
*OPC? may be used in the same manner.
Command Terminators
Allowable terminator characters are: