If the water outlet of a venturi is blocked for any reason, water will run back up the ozone
delivery tubing under pressure from the pool pump.
When regular ozonating is required, such as for maintenance dosing a water tank or swimming
pool, a programmable time switch may be used to automate the system.
Generators that use oxygen should be connected to a pressure-regulated supply adjusted to
deliver no more than 3 psi and include an adjustable flow meter to control the oxygen flow rate
before it enters the ozone generator. The optimum flow rate should be between 1.0–4.0 liter’s
per minute. Your oxygen provider can normally supply suitable regulators and flow meters. For
automatic operation, a solenoid valve may be fitted to switch on the oxygen flow.
The diagrams on the next page show how the HG-1500 generator may be set-up to ozonise a
water tank and a swimming pool or spa. These diagrams are not to scale.
Figure 1 shows a typical configuration for ozonising a water tank. A wall-mounted diaphragm
pump supplies air to a self-regenerative drying column to remove moisture from the air. The dry
air is then filtered to remove fine particulates before entering the HG-1500. The ozonised air is
discharged through a check-valve and diffuser submerged to a maximum depth of 2.0 meters
(6.56ft). Check all connections for leaks and make sure that there is sufficient airflow passing
through the diffuser before switching on your ozone generator.
A suitable tank vent must be fitted to release pressure and allow a free exchange of air between
the tank contents and the atmosphere. Vents also allow the tank water to continually adsorb
oxygen from the air, which is essential for the maintenance of good water quality.
Air Pump
Air Drier
Check valve
Water Level
Figure 1: Ozone system suitable for a water tank.
2 m