Oxford Technical Solutions
Restore position from file
If you have saved the location of the GPS antenna to a file then you can restore that file using
this option. This guarantees repeatable data if you can locate the GPS antenna in exactly the
same location each time. The GPS-Base can also store an antenna location internally, this will
be explained in the "Save Position To GPS Base" section.
Enter antenna position
If you know the position of the GPS antenna then you can enter it using this option. The
position of the antenna might be known by writing down a previous location (rather than
saving it to disk) or if a professional surveyor has measured the position of the GPS antenna.
Note that the altitude must be entered in EGM96, not WGS-84.
Leave unchanged
Use this option if the GPS-Base already knows its location and you do not want to change it.
If the GPS-Base has a location stored internally, or a location has already been acquired
during the session, this option will be selected automatically.
the correction type and the Base Station ID can be set. This is an identifier
that is transmitted with the corrections so that the mobile GPS receiver knows which base-
station is sending corrections. Figure 8 shows the Advanced page.
Figure 8.
Advanced settings page
The GPS-Base supports RTCA, RTCA2 and RTCMv3 corrections (RTCMv3 is the default).
More detailed information about these formats is available in the section called "Differential
correction format details". Is there a differential correction section?