GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
Powering up and monitoring the GPS-Base
Please note that a number of factors affect the time taken for the GPS-Base to acquire
satellites. The process normally takes about 90 seconds, but can take up to 20 minutes if the
unit has been turned off for a long period of time or has been moved a significant distance
since last time it was used.
The first thing the GPS-Base loads as part of the boot process is a configuration file, which is
held in its internal memory. The configuration file controls how the GPS-Base behaves. The
first time an GPS-Base is powered up after delivery, the default settings are used. The default
settings tell the GPS-Base to average its position over a three-minute period (once it
computes a GNSS position) and to broadcast corrections in RTCMv3 format. The base
station ID will be set to OxTS.
Creating custom configurations using our NAVbase software is covered in the next section.