Intended use
MADSEN Zodiac is an auditory impedance tester that is intended to change the air pressure in the external auditory canal
and measure and graph the mobility characteristics of the tympanic membrane to evaluate the functional condition of the
middle ear. This device is also used to measure the acoustic reflex threshold and decay testing as well as Eustachian tube
function testing for intact and perforated tympanic membranes.
Users: audiologists, ENTs and other health care professionals in testing the hearing of infants, children and adults.
Use: clinical, diagnostic and screening tympanometry and reflex measurements.
MADSEN Zodiac uses technologies which are highly effective for clinical and screening purposes. Tympanometry and acous-
tic reflex measurements measure the mechanical response of the middle ear and form a basis for evaluating whether the
related physiological structures are functioning correctly or not.
If the patient is troubled by the test, stop the test. The test is interrupted immediately. Already measured
results are kept.
Look into the ear canal. It is strongly recommended that you perform an otoscopy to assess the status of
the outer ear before you insert the probe. If the ear canal is blocked, this may affect the result of the test. Clean the
ear canal if needed. Make sure that there is no residual fluid in the patient's ear after cleaning or wax removal.
Testing should not be performed on patients displaying the following symptoms without the approval of a
medical doctor:
If there is discharge in the ear
If the patient recently has undergone middle ear surgery
If the ear canal is occluded
If the patient suffers from acute trauma
If the patient experiences severe discomfort
If the patient displays symptoms of tinnitus or hyperacusis, in which case using excessively loud acoustic stimuli
for acoustic reflex measurements should be avoided.
Typographical conventions
The use of Warning, Caution and Note
To draw your attention to information regarding safe and appropriate use of the device or software, the manual uses pre-
cautionary statements as follows:
User Guide
Otometrics - MADSEN Zodiac