Important notice
Please familiarize yourself with the entire contents of this guide before using your Amigo R12 receiver.
This guide contains safety instructions and important information about use and handling.
The Amigo R12 is part of Oticon’s Amigo FM product family, which is designed to make listening at
school and at home considerably easier.
Attaching the Amigo R12 to an Epoq or Vigo hearing device
1. Open the battery door.
2. Insert a battery into the hearing device.
3. Slide the Amigo R12 on until you feel a small “click” (use of force is unnecessary).
4. Close the battery door carefully.
5. The battery door can be made tamper resistant by turning the screw 45 degrees
(when optional tamper-resistant battery door is ordered with hearing aid).
The Amigo R12 has a Light Emitting Diode (LED). When this light is on and blinking, it confi rms that:
• The hearing aid battery is working.
• The receiver is ON.
• The receiver is receiving an FM signal.
Programming the LED
Use an Amigo T20/T21 or an Amigo WRP to program the LED in one of two ways:
: Blink. The LED will blink when an FM signal is present.
: The LED will remain off , even though an FM signal is present.
Note: Amigo receivers have no battery. They draw a small amount of power from the hearing aid
Push button channel changer
The Amigo R12 has a push button that can be used to change channel.
• A short press will launch a search through the pre-defi ned channel list search.
• A longer press (more than two seconds) will turn the Amigo R12 OFF.
A short melody will be played to notify the user that the R12 goes into off mode.
The R12 only scans the channels that are in the channel list. If no channel can be found (because
there is no FM signal) it will revert to, and remain on, the original channel.
If more than one channel with a strong FM signal is present, it will lock on to the fi rst one in its
channel list. For a diff erent channel, simply press the button again.
Channel management
The Amigo R12 contains a predefi ned list of channels, all of which are functional. You can custom-
ise the channel list using the Amigo T20, T21 or WRP. These units can also be used to wirelessly
synchronize the Amigo R12.
Amigo receivers can be programmed to wake up in the channel last used or any pre-specifi ed chan-
nel. If you are not using the Amigo T20, T21 transmitter or WRP, you can still change channels using
the pushbutton on the R12.
Amigo receiver features
The Amigo R12 has Sleep Mode functionality. Whenever the FM signal is no longer present for more
than 7 seconds, the unit will automatically “fall asleep” to conserve battery power. A built-in signal
sensor will detect any FM signal. When this signal reappears, the receiver will reactivate and the
LED will be lit. Should the signal be absent for more than 90 minutes, the R12 will automatically
drop into OFF mode. It will then have to be turned on manually by pressing a few seconds on the
receiver’s push button.
In sleep mode, the hearing instrument will disable the two FM programs and revert to the P1 of
the hearing aid, but if the R12 detects an FM signal, the two programs will be added automatically
again at which time the program will now be FM+M.
Using with other manufacturers’ products
The Amigo R12 receiver is compatible with most other manufacturers’ FM transmitters; however,
Amigo receivers can only be synchronized wirelessly with the Amigo T20, T21 or WRP.
To ascertain whether an FM signal is present, you must ensure that both the transmitter and the
receiver are on the same channel. To change channel on the R12, simply turn on the transmitter
(to one of the channels pre-programmed in the receiver), and press the push button on the R12.
Note: The channel selected on the transmitter must be in the receiver channel list.
Amigo T20, T21 and WRP
If an Amigo T20, T21 or WRP is used with the Amigo R12, the following programmable features will
be available:
• Multi-channel (can be wirelessly programmed with an Amigo T20, T21 or the WRP)
• LED indicator
• Manual channel pushbutton
• Assigning a name to the receiver
• Assigning an ear to the receiver
• FM-only gain
• FM+M gain
• Confi rmation beep
Note: When using the R12 together with other manufacturers’ transmitters, the De-Emphasis in the
R12 must be disabled to maintain the sound quality of the system.
Preparing your FM system
Setting the system up requires an FM transmitter, an Oticon Amigo R12 and either an Oticon Epoq
or an Oticon Vigo hearing instrument. Connect the Amigo R12 to the hearing instrument (see pic-
tures) and switch on the FM transmitter to activate the FM system. Please see the user guide for the
FM transmitter for more information.
Hearing instrument operation
When the Amigo R12 is connected, the hearing instrument will automatically detect the R12 and
add two extra programs. The hearing instrument program will default to FM + M (Hearing instru-
ment microphone). If you need to change the setting to FM only, you can switch to the
next program on the hearing instrument by using the program switch button.
With the Amigo R12 attached the push button of the hearing instrument can at any time be used to
switch back and forth between standard programs and the two FM programs.
Note: For detailed instructions on handling and use of the hearing instrument, please refer directly
to the specifi c hearing instrument user guide.
Channel seek / Off
LED status indicator
Hearing instrument
Note: NEVER attempt to open the receiver casing.