720127-001-LF Rev.B
Ositech Titan II Gateway
Getting Started Guide
Before starting, please contact your LIFENET
implementation specialist. If you have not already been in contact,
they can be reached through Physio-Control Technical Support at
(800) 732-3081. For locations outside North America, please contact
your local Physio-Control LIFENET System team.
Carefully, unpack the contents of the
box containing the Titan II Gateway.
Examine the contents, and if there
are any damaged parts, contact
Technical Support for more
assistance. Ensure all components
are accounted for. This includes the
Titan II Gateway itself (and its
connection cable), USB Cable, Titan
II Gateway Installation CDROM, Getting Started Guide, and the Titan
II Gateway - LIFEPAK Placement Guide.
Insert the supplied installation CDROM into your CDROM drive. The
Fastmenu will appear; however if it does not appear, double click on
the CD icon itself, and it will then launch.
Click the “View Titan II Gateway Documentation” button, and then
from the User Documentation sub menu, click the “View Titan II
Gateway User Manual” button to open the User Manual.
IMPORTANT: Wireless AUDIO Gateway Users should refer to the
Communication Requirements For Audio Operation Appendix of the
User Manual to ensure that your communication environment meets
the minimum requirements for audio operation.
Please refer to Chapter 3 and follow the steps outlined to install the
configuration software and the Titan II device driver. Please refer to
Chapter 4, and follow the steps to configure the Titan II Gateway for
operation with your LIFEPAK monitor.