P/N 101023281
Metor 900M
Rev. 0.5
Installation and Operating Manual
Rapiscan Systems Proprietary Information
8.1 Fault Conditions
Possible cause
Recommended actions
Random alarming
External interference
Change operating frequency.
Relocate the unit.
Reduce sensitivity.
High interference level
Selected frequency not
suitable for the environment
Interference source close to
the unit
Large moving metal close to
the unit
Floor vibrating when people
walk through the unit
Change operating frequency.
Remove interference source or relocate the unit.
Increase distance between the unit and the metal.
Improve support of the floor or relocate the unit.
No power to electronics Power cable loose
Power supply faulty
Check power cable connections.
Call service.
Unit does not start
Mains not connected
Power switch is off
Electronics faulty
Check power connections.
Turn power switch on.
Call service.
Zone displays not
Zone displays not enabled
Zone display cables
Zone displays faulty
Check from user interface that zone displays are
enabled and correct direction is selected.
Check cable connections.
Call service.
Passenger counting
does not work
Zone display cables
IR transmitters or receivers
Check cable connections.
Call service.