IG-150-EN version 04; 03/10/16
General instructions
Protection functions. Description and settings
4.10.2. Mode 2 (51 V)
IWhen the control voltage is lower than the control voltage
(one programmed value), the effective settings of the
function 51 stop being the programmed in "phase time
unit", to become the programmed as “voltage controlled”.
In order to retrieve the “phase timing” setting, the three
voltages must be higher than the control voltage.
This function is subordinated to the phase timed unit, in the
sense of making it operative with other settings, but if the
phase time delayed function is not enable, the function 51V
has no effect. This function affects.
The settings are the following:
1. Enable control by voltage: YES/NO (as it has been said
YES means operating in mode 1, NO in mode 2, as long
as the phase time delay "Acceleration" is set to YES).
2. Voltage control: 10 to 200 V.
3. Phase timed unit’s setting group (pickup, curve, time,
etc.), corresponding to “control by voltage”.
4.10.3. Mode 2 (50 V)
In an analogue way to the former one, when some of the
compound voltages are lower than the control voltage (one
programmed value), the effective settings of the function
50 stop being those programmed in "phase instantaneous
unit" (as much in low as in high level), to become the
programmed as “control by voltage”.
This function is subordinated to phase instantaneous, in the
sense of making them operative with other settings, but if
both phase instantaneous functions are not enabled, the
function 50 V has no effect. All the instantaneous functions
(normal, “high1” and “high2”, if existed) are affected and
they start operating with the same values.
The settings are the following:
1. Enable: YES/NO (YES means operating in mode 2, NO
means not operating).
2. Voltage control: 10 to 200 V.
3. Settings of phase instantaneous characteristic (pickup,
time), corresponding to “control by voltage”.
4.10.4. Summary
The function 51 V can operate in mode 1 or mode 2.
The function 50 V can operate only in mode 2.
It is possible the operation of the function 51 V in mode 1
and the function 50 V in mode 2
The setting change does not affect the enablings of the
functions affected.
In order to operate the voltage control (in any mode) the
setting “boosting by voltage” hast to be at YES
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