IN 666 10/21
Observer 90mm, 114mm, and 134mm
Equatorial Telescopes
#52986 Observer 114mm EQ Reflector
#52987 Observer 134mm EQ Reflector
#52988 Observer 90mm EQ Refractor
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Toll Free USA & Canada:
(800) 447-1001
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Copyright © 2021 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars. All Rights Reserved. No part of this product instruction or any of its contents
may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Orion Telescopes & Binoculars.
A N E M P L O Y E E - O W N E D C O M P A N Y
Congratulations on your purchase of an Orion telescope. Your new Observer Equatorial telescope is a ter-
rific instrument designed to provide outstanding views of celestial wonders. Any one of these three qual-
ity telescopes will reward you and your friends and family with many hours of enjoyment and discovery.
These instructions will help you set up, properly use, and care for your telescope. Please read them over
thoroughly before getting started.