Welcome to the exciting world of astro-imaging.
Your new StarShoot
Imaging Camera is capable of capturing professional quality astro-images of many
of your favorite celestial objects, or be used as an autoguider to accurately lock
onto stars and improve the tracking performance of your mount during a long expo-
sure photograph with another camera. Please read this instruction manual before
attempting to use the camera or install the needed software. This manual covers
installation of your camera along with basic functions of acquiring images using
the included software, as well as autoguiding using PHD2. To get the most out of
your camera using 3rd party dedicated astronomy apps coupled with the universal
ASCOM driver for the G Series Camera, please consult the software help files and
manuals included with the individual software packages available on the market.
Some of our favorite programs are mentioned below.
Mini G Series CMOS Cameras
IN 628 Rev. E 01/21
#51883 Mini 6.3 Color
#51884 Mini 6.3 Mono
#54292 Mini 2mp Mono Autoguider
Mini 6.3 Color #51883
Mini 6.3 Mono #51884
#51458 G26 APS-C
Corporate Offices:
89 Hangar Way, Watsonville CA 95076 - USA
Toll Free USA & Canada:
(800) 447-1001
+1(831) 763-7000
Customer Support:
Copyright © 2021 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars. All Rights Reserved. No part of this product instruction or any of its contents
may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Orion Telescopes & Binoculars.
A N E M P L O Y E E - O W N E D C O M P A N Y