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Содержание Europa 114

Страница 1: ...EUROPA INSTRUCTIO IS Instruclion Manual Europa il4 Europa 150 Europa 2OO Ewopa 25O Europa 2O0f4 SCH OrionOptics ...

Страница 2: ...LegLocking Knob 12 Tripodleg 13 Safety Screw for Weights 14 Counter weight s 15 Equatorial Mount 16 Mountlocking Knob dec 17 Saddle PlateKnob 18 Spider Collimation Screw Fi g l I I I RA Righi Ascension Dec Dec ination WARNING Never Observing the sun in fataf damage ot ieIescope telescope to lookat fhe sun a fraclionof a second will result as wefl as possibledamage to fhe use even you r ANY for eve...

Страница 3: ...Positioning of thetelescope Assembling thefinderscope Balancing thetelescope Alignmeni of thefinderscope Yourfirsi observaiion Using yourPolar finder Howto useihe setting circles Collimation Seeing conditions Trouble shooting Spec ifications GemDrives Notes 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 t0 l0 l2 l3 t5 t5 t6 l7 l7 E 3 ...

Страница 4: ...ifferences in sizeof the 25omm and 2 OOmmf4sch the altachment m eth odof all th e part sare in t he sam e mannef w he n checking all the constit uent partso f th e ieles cope prior t o ass emb ly p lr ensure no damage hasocc rtrred in t ransil No claimfo r da mage o r missi ngitemscan be a ccept ed if mad emoret han48 ho ursafler rec eiptor c ollection unlessagreed by OrionOpt ic s T hemosiimporta...

Страница 5: ...he corres pond ing h oles Fig al Thenplacelhe screwsup throughthe ho le sandtig hten u singthe k nobs The longestof the four screwsis to be usedin fhe cenlrehole Thetray acts as an accessory lray as well as sfren gth ening the tripo d it self Y oush ouldn owhav ea co mplet ely as sem bled tripo d in front o f yo u Nowmakesurefhe tripod screws and knob sare tig ht aga inbef oreyou pu f th e mou nlo...

Страница 6: ...i g 7 T w oc o u n t e r w e i g h t s 2 O O m o d e l a r e n o v a b l eo n c o u n l e r w e i g h t s h a f t t o b a l a n c e f h e s c o p e 4 B eforeeny ma kesure th e mo unlis tight adjus tme nls et e ma de loc kingkno bon the Fig 6l 5 Thec ount erwe ights haf t s hould nowbe screwed into the mountwith no weig htatt ache d Th is is doneby tu rningt he shaf t in a cloc kwis e mov emen t wh...

Страница 7: ... iube is nowreadyto be p ut on fhe mo unt Firs i tak e t he lube oul of the cradlesby unscrewing the two cradlelatches Fig 9l Taket he c radlewirh rhe atlac hed sa ddlepla teandu nsc rew the t wo s addlep late k nobs Fig t Of Nowa tta chfh e s addleplat et o the moun lby f ig hte ningt he sc rews fhroughthe top of the mount ens uring th esea re t ight Pla cet he tu be ba ckin the c radlesso tha t ...

Страница 8: ...the focusmounton lhe ielescope youwill find fwo wing nuis wit h wa she rs fig l2l Unsc rew f hem andpla cethe bra ckeiwirh t he finderscope on the screws and iigh ten backuP Beforelhe telesco pe canbe usedsafelyand efficientlyit hasto be balanced This is quite easilycarriedout b y adjus fingthe pos itionof the counterweight s nd th p ositionof the tele sco pe t ube long it udina lly in fhe cradles...

Страница 9: ... it musffirst be alignedwith the mainlelescope so that bothfhe finders cop e an dlhe le lesco pe a re po inting at precisely the sameplace To align the finderscope follow ihis proc dur i Thetelescope is pointedin daylightat a distantobjectpreferably several hundredmelresaway use a low powereyepiece a25mm is fine andfocus fhe telescope on a distantpart of the object This process is best carried oul...

Страница 10: ...E y e p i e c e F o c a lL e n g f h m m UsingYour Polar Finder to rrriou thepolar finder fromthemount youwill firsthave to slacken o f f the smallAllen screwin the loc kingring yo uwill f in d fh is on the s ide o f the ring once slackened unscrew th e lo ckingrin g Thering po larfin der a ndthe sattingcircle will all comeof f the m oun lio geth er fig ll The fi rst operation in usingthe polarfin...

Страница 11: ... r lhe cen lreof the field in you rpolar finder lf thesetwo blackknobsare difficult to rotate slackenoff sligh tlythe largebla ckhandwheel fig 5 whic hs ecu res the eq uato rial hea dto the tripo d Y oun owhaveto po sitionP ola risin th e c ent reof the re ticle When posilioned correctly rotalelhe t elesc ope a boutl8 O degre es around t he RA a xis b y s lack ening of f t he RA c lamp E ns urePo ...

Страница 12: ...e sco pe by i sin g it on the night sky by s implemet hodof plac ingPo larisnea rthe c en treof the polarfinder andenioyt he vie ws Whenyou k nowy our telescope comPletely then if youwishfo try photography carryoui the pro cedures for accurate settingof t he polarf inder llow lo uselhe setlina circles D e c a e l l i n g R A s e t l i n g c i c l e F i g l 6 R i g h ta s c e n s i o n a n dD e c l...

Страница 13: ...e ap pa rent in nonecircutarsiar imag es or im ages whic hhavea flare lo on e iir andtend to looka little like a com ei with a s hortt ail Collim ationis ihe aligningof the two m irr orsin yourtu be with th e tub e its elf Af ter you havecarriedout this operation a f ew limes it shou ldtak e o nlya m att ero f a minufeor fwo to adjustthe c ollimaiiont o pe rfec tion Diag ra m I sh ows howp erfectc...

Страница 14: coP e Th e diff erenc ebein gfh e collima tiono f the sec onda ry TheSc hmidta djust er canbe roialed around36O degrees on ihe correctorplale also but can be co llimate db y usingth e t hree collim atingsc rews aro undthe f lat hold ers crew lf th e c ollimat io nlook ssimila rio l yo u nee dto adjus tno thing lf f he c ollimat ionlook ss imilarto 2 yo u n eedto adjus tt he win g nu tson th e m...

Страница 15: ...urb ance eiiher in the fube or in the sky The imag eon the le ft is sh owinglot s of heatdislurbance Theright handdra win gis sh owing a pe rfec tim age Troubleshooiina lf youare havingdifficulty usingyo urt elesc ope ma kes ureyou have checked lhese points beforecontact ing O rio nOp tics l Make sureyourf elescop e is correc llyc ollimat ed 2 Confirmall yourdust capshavebeenremoved 3 ls yourequat...

Страница 16: Equat Equat Equat Finder scope 6x30 6x30 6x30 6x30 6x30 Focuser 31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7 Mar usablelttlagnificaf ion 225x 300x 400x 320x 480x Eyepiece suPPlied 9 25nm 9 25nn 9 25nn 9 25nn 9 25nn 0ptions Single ArisDtiue Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 60mm0uidescoPes n a Yes Yes Yes Yes 0mm0uidescoPes nla Yes Yes Yes Yes 0A4 llluminaled Guider nla Yes Yes Yes Yes Photos l Good 5 Ercels I 2 3 4 3 Sodium Lig...
