Tapio User Guide
the adaptive switch is pressed and held Tapio "presses" and
immediately releases the SPACE key. Then, when the adaptive
switch is released Tapio "presses" and immediately releases the 1
(ONE) key. This allows applications to know exactly when an
adaptive switch was pressed and when it was released. Knowing
the leading and trailing edges of switch actuation allows app
developers to employ more efficient scanning techniques.
There are eight modes and six involve emulating a USB keyboard.
The other two modes emulate a USB mouse and USB game
controller (joystick).
Most of the keyboard modes are self explanatory. However the RJ
and RICH modes are unique in that they send two keyboard keys
with every single adaptive switch actuation.
RICH mode has been described in the previous
In RJ mode, the table shows that when the adaptive switch is
actuated Tapio "presses-and-releases" the ~ (TILDE) key and
then immediately "presses-and-releases" the 1 (ONE) key. In
other words, for each adaptive switch actuation Tapio sends two
keyboard keys. Since RJ mode uses
Pulse timing
, these two keys
are sent when the adaptive switch is first pressed. No matter how
long the adaptive switch is held the keys only go out once.
In Mouse mode Tapio sends the left and right buttons of a
standard mouse. Since mouse mode uses Full Duration timing,
Tapio holds the Mouse button down as long as the adaptive
switch is held down.
In Joystick mode Tapio sends the first and second buttons of a
standard USB game controller. Since Joystick mode uses Full
Duration timing, Tapio holds the joystick button down as long as
the adaptive switch is held down.
Origin Instruments Corporation
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