Tapio User Guide
Questions and Answers
How do I connect two adaptive switches to Tapio?
Switch combinations such as Sip/Puff or Left/Right can directly
connect using a single stereo cable. For connecting two switches
with independent cables and connectors, use our optional mono to
stereo Cable Adapter.
How do I plug Tapio into an Apple iOS Device?
Tapio is a native USB device. To connect to an iOS Device use a
Camera Interface Adapter from Apple, or a third party supplier.
Adapters are available for the Lightning connector and USB-C.
Tapio can emulate a mouse, a joystick, or a keyboard. Which
should I use?
When using an Apple iOS Device with Switch Control, we
recommend using the Tapio-1 (Default) keyboard Mode.
When using a computer, we recommend Joystick Mode.
However, you must set Tapio for the events your application is
expecting. For example, if the iOS app is looking for RJ Cooper
events, then set Tapio for RJ Mode. If a computer application is
looking for mouse buttons then use Tapio's Mouse Mode.
Will Tapio wake up my Device?
Tapio can wake a host device that supports USB remote wakeup.
Tapio will wake most devices.
Origin Instruments Corporation
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