Orange Open LRS - Open LRSng 2.1 - Quick Start Guide
The following instructions outline how to configure
. The
basic process is as follows.
1. Upload
2. Settings
3. Bind
4. Fail Safe
5. Play
Before proceeding please note.
1. Purchase a Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) Programmer 3.3V (VCC and I/O).
2. Inspect soldering on both remote control receiver (RCRX) and remote control transmitter
3. Ensure antennas are connected at all times.
4. Right click openLRSng-X.X folder that contains relevant files and rename openLRSng.
5. Connect FTDI Programmer to RCRX then connect USB to computer.
6. Double click openLRS.ino file.
7. Click Tools>Board>Arduino Pro or Pro Mini(5V, 16 MHz) w/ATmega328.
8. Click Tools>Serial Port then select
9. Click Verify then wait until done compiling.
10. Click Upload then wait until done uploading.
11. Disconnect USB from computer then disconnect FTDI Programmer from RCRX.
12. Scroll down Sketch and locate //#define COMPILE_TX.
13. Change to #define COMPILE_TX