4 Verify that the digit setting is set correctly for the Brick before powering on
the Brick.
5 At the back of the system, turn on the power switches for each Brick.
Figure 55 Turn on Brick power
1 Brick power switches
Note: This image is for illustration purposes only. Your hardware
component might look different.
6 Turn on the DC power switch at the back of the Pilot. Some versions of the
Pilot have a DC power switch at the back of the unit, but most Slammers
and Pilot control units (CUs) automatically power on when you apply power
to the system in the next step.
Figure 56 Turn on Pilot power
1 Pilot power switch
2 Ethernet ports
Note: This image is for illustration purposes only. Your hardware
component might look different.
Chapter 6 Complete the Installation
Power On the System