Acronyms, Definitions, and Terms
ACLI — Acme Command Line Interface is the command line interface used by Acme
Packet to configure, maintain, and monitor Acme Packet SBCs and other Acme
Packet products.
AC — Alternating Current refers to the 120-volt electricity delivered by power utilities to
three-pin power outlets. This type of power is called “alternating current” because the
polarity of the current alternates between plus and minus, 60 times per second.
AWG — American Wire Gauge is a United States standard set of non-ferrous wire
conductor sizes. The gauge means the diameter.
DC — Direct Current refers to the flow of electrons in one direction within an electrical
conductor, such as a wire.
ESD — Electrostatic Discharge is the rapid discharge of static electricity from one
conductor with an electrical charge to another of a different electrical charge.
CE — European Compliance
EN — European Norm
FG — Frame ground
Flash memory — Flash memory is a solid-state, non-volatile, rewritable memory that
functions like a combination of RAM and a hard disk drive.
FQME — Flow Quality Measurement Engine is responsible for monitoring, measuring,
and maintaining statistics (e.g., latency, jitter, flow stoppage, flow creation, etc.) on a
flow-by-flow basis.
1GbE — Gigabit Ethernet is an Ethernet type that supports data transfer rates of 1
gigabit per second.
10GbE — 10GbE is an Ethernet type that supports data transfer rates of 10 gigabits
per second.
IEEE — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is an organization composed
of engineers, scientists, and students. The IEEE is best known for developing
standards for the computer and electronics industry.
IEC — International Electrotechnical Commission
IP — Internet Protocol is the method by which data is sent from one computer to
another on the Internet.
LED — Light Emitting Diode is an electronic device that lights up when electricity is
passed through it.
LAN — Local Area Network is a group of computers and associated devices that share
a common communications line within a small geographic area.
LOS — Loss of Signal occurs when the signal level falls below an acceptable level.
LOS is a physical layer error and typically results in an alarm.