Document #:
M00-20-7074 Rev. 005
Page 17 of 32
3.11 FSC Installation Location Wiring
1. Place the modem on a table or shelf near the fuel site controller.
2. Plug the power pack into a wall outlet. Connect the cable from the power pack to the modem.
The indoor modem comes with a 6-inch antenna, for some applications this will work fine. When choosing a
location, keep the REMOTE modem (at the fuel island) in mind. The modems communicate better when they
are "in sight" of each other. If you experience problems, move the modem until reception is better.
3. Use the junction box cover to make the connections at the FSC. Petro-Net wire can be used to remote
either modem for best performance. Limit the wire length to 1,000 feet.
In some cases, the directional remote antenna and 20-foot cable should be used to improve communications to
the FSC when installed in metal buildings or other areas which may have poor signal strength.