PV632AT .
This manual is prepared for the maintenance service for PV632AT 12.1” LCD Monitor.
Maintenance procedures described in this manual are intended to isolate faulty parts and replace them
in the field. It also aims to serve as a guide in procuring replacement parts for this product.
This manual is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. This product may not, in whole or in
part, be copied, photocopied, translated or reduced to any electronic or machine readable form
without prior written consent except for copies retained by the purchaser for backup purpose.
This manual includes system overview, major system assembly, components’ description, and
the “Troubleshooting” making explanations on how to detect errors. It also includes a flow chart for
checking or correcting faults.
No warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, is made with respect to this
documentation, its quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for particular purpose.
No event that the vendor will be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or
consequential damages arising out of the user or inability to use this product or documentation.
The information found in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. Any
subsequent changes made to the data herein will be incorporated in further edition.
PV632AT Service Manual
Copyright March, 2001
All Rights Reserved
Manual Version 1.0
Document #554-G04-02A
P/N : 36.55404.001